This is a version of RapydScript that runs in the browser. It has a UI (built on top of codemirror) that lets you put in code in 1 text area, and compiles it to another text area.
This contains a few files that are noteable:
- index.html: codemirror page with UI for testing RapydScript
- demo.html: page that minimally runs RapydScript (no UI)
- lib & src folders with RapydScript code
- 0001-...-.patch file to patch RapydScript importing
- importer.js file to run imports for the browser
The only thing changed in RapydScript is the way imports are done. You can get the latest RapydScript code and apply a patch to it. First test the patch:
git apply --check 0001-attempt-at-getting-latest-rapydscript-to-work.patch
then apply it
git apply 0001-attempt-at-getting-latest-rapydscript-to-work.patch
It will patch lib/parse.js
For the time being, you will also need to run the following patch:
git apply temporary_index_counter_patch.patch