Lib_Kafka is a python library for Robotframework to test Kafka. It's based on open source project pykafka.
The goal of LibKafka contains:
- Producer: Produce the specific events to Kafka.
- Consumer: Wait the specific event assertion from Kafka.
1. pip install pykafka
2. Including the in Robotframework script. And start to call the following keyword function from Robotframework.
Waiting to get event from Kafka for a period of time from specific topic.
String event_consumer(host_kafka, host_zookeeper, topic, assertion_event_content, match_partially=False, timeout_sec=20)
Required | Parameters | Description | Default Value | Example |
O | host_kafka | Kafka broker host:IP | N/A | |
O | host_zookeeper | Zookeeper host:IP | N/A | |
O | topic | Topic name for receiving events | N/A | test_topic |
O | assertion_event_content | Specific event content assertion | N/A | Stop_event |
X | match_partially | Match partially/all event content assertion | False | True |
X | timeout_sec | Timeout seconds | 20 | 30 |
Values | Description |
GotEvent | Got the specific event content from specific topic before timeout |
Timeout | Didn't received specific event content from specific topic timeout |
KafkaConnectFailed | Can't connect to specific Kafka host |
Waiting to get multiple event assertion of single event from Kafka for a period of time from specific topic.
String event_consumer_multiple_match_partially(host_kafka, host_zookeeper, topic, assertion_event_content_arr, timeout_sec=20)
Required | Parameters | Description | Default Value | Example |
O | host_kafka | Kafka broker host:IP | N/A | |
O | host_zookeeper | Zookeeper host:IP | N/A | |
O | topic | Topic name for receiving events | N/A | test_topic |
O | assertion_event_content_arr | Specific event content assertion | N/A | [Stop_event, A, B] |
X | timeout_sec | Timeout seconds | 20 | 30 |
Values | Description |
GotEvent | Got all assertion of specific event content from specific topic before timeout |
Timeout | Didn't received specific event content or part of the assertion didn't match from specific topic and reached timeout_sec |
KafkaConnectFailed | Can't connect to specific Kafka host |
Waiting to get single event from Kafka for a period of time from specific topic.
String event_single_consumer(host_kafka, host_zookeeper, topic, timeout_sec=20)
Required | Parameters | Description | Default Value | Example |
O | host_kafka | Kafka broker host:IP | N/A | |
O | host_zookeeper | Zookeeper host:IP | N/A | |
O | topic | Topic name for receiving events | N/A | test_topic |
X | timeout_sec | Timeout seconds | 20 | 30 |
Values | Description |
GotEvent | Got the specific event content from specific topic before timeout |
Timeout | Didn't received specific event content from specific topic timeout |
KafkaConnectFailed | Can't connect to specific Kafka host |
Consume the event from specific topic to latest offset
String event_consume_to_latest(host_kafka, host_zookeeper, topic)
Required | Parameters | Description | Default Value | Example |
O | host_kafka | Kafka broker host:IP | N/A | |
O | host_zookeeper | Zookeeper host:IP | N/A | |
O | topic | Topic name for receiving events | N/A | test_topic |
Values | Description |
ConsumeDone | Consume the event to the latest offset |
Error | Error when consuming event |
KafkaConnectFailed | Can't connect to specific Kafka host |
Produce the events to Kafka.
String event_producer(host_kafka, topic, event_content_arr, wait_ack=False)
Required | Parameters | Description | Default Value | Example |
O | host_kafka | Kafka broker host:IP | N/A | |
O | topic | Topic name for sending events | N/A | test_topic |
O | event_content_arr | Event content array | N/A | A B C Stop_event |
X | wait_ack | While sending the events, should wait for the ack or not. | False | True |
Values | Description |
SendSuccess | All the events is send successfully |
SendFailed | Part of/All of the events send failed |
KafkaConnectFailed | Can't connect to specific Kafka host |