This is a template test harness project with Cucumber and Selenium
Linux / Mac:
./gradlew build
gradlew.bat build
The idea is to provide a quick-start template for new browser test automation projects that want to use a BDD Syntax for describing test cases.
Contributions are welcome, please raise a Pull Request to get your changes back into master
The template has a couple of tests built in which open Chrome and run a couple of searches; these can be found in sample.feature
The harness is built using Gradle, the tests are configured to run with every build:
./gradlew build
You can also run the tests by executing
The primary output is a HTML test report, this can be found in build/cucumber-hmtl-reports/index.html
There is also a JUnit report which is great for CI pipelines build/test-results/test/
This project also makes use of the OWASP Dependency Check component and the Gradle Plugin so a scan will be performed on every build. The first build may take a couple of minutes if you haven't run the plugin before.
These are located in