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πŸš€ AstroNvimV5 Configuration

Welcome to my customized AstroNvimV5 configuration! This setup has been optimized for an efficient and powerful development workflow. Below, you'll find all the details on how to install, configure, and use this setup, along with some helpful tips and tricks.

πŸ”§ Features

This configuration supports development in the following languages:

Language AutoCompletion Debug
Typescript βœ… βœ…
Vue βœ… βœ…
React βœ… βœ…
Solid βœ… βœ…
Angular βœ… βœ…
Node βœ… βœ…
Python βœ… βœ…
Rust βœ… βœ…
Go βœ… βœ…
  • TypeScript: vtsls.
  • Vue: volar2.
  • React: vtsls.
  • Angular: angular server.
  • Node: vtsls.
  • Python: basedpyright.
  • Go: gopls.
  • Rust: rust-analyzer.
  • Markdown: markdown-preview.nvim.

πŸ› οΈ Installation

1. Install Lua 5.1

Neovim requires LuaJIT, so Lua 5.1 is currently the best version to use. Why Neovim uses Lua 5.1.

Install Luarocks

tar zxpf luarocks-3.11.1.tar.gz
cd luarocks-3.11.1

./configure --lua-version=5.1 --lua-suffix=5.1
sudo make install

luarocks --version

Install Lua 5.1

tar zxpf lua-5.1.5.tar.gz
cd lua-5.1.5

# For macOS
make macosx

make test
sudo make install

which lua
lua -v

2. Ensure System Commands Are Available

Make sure the following commands are installed on your system:

  • npm
  • rustc
  • go
  • tmux

3. Install Dependencies

Use brew, npm, and pip to install the necessary dependencies:

# Homebrew packages
brew install fzf fd lazygit ripgrep gdu bottom protobuf gnu-sed ast-grep lazydocker trash imagemagick chafa delta coreutils

# Node.js packages
npm install -g tree-sitter-cli neovim @styled/typescript-styled-plugin

# Python packages, for render-markdown.nvim
pip install pynvim pylatexenc

4. Install AstroNvim

Backup your existing Neovim configuration and clone the customized AstroNvim setup:

mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.bak
rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim
rm -rf ~/.local/state/nvim
rm -rf ~/.cache/nvim

# Clone the customized AstroNvim configuration
git clone ~/.config/nvim

πŸ–₯️ Workflow Screenshots

Here are some screenshots showcasing the workflow with kitty, tmux, yazi, and AstroNvim.

Kitty + tmux + AstroNvim








πŸ”— Other Configurations

πŸ¦€ Rust Development Note

When working with Rust, note that rustup and mason install rust-analyzer differently, which may cause some bugs. Manual installation is recommended:

rustup component add rust-analyzer

πŸ’‘ Tips & Tricks


Press <F2> to open the NVcheatsheet.


Use Lazygit

Trigger command: <leader>tl


Install Bottom

Trigger command: <Leader>tt

brew install bottom


Neovim Requirements

Ensure Neovim dependencies are installed

# Install Neovim dependencies
npm install -g neovim
pip install pynvim

Markdown Image Paste

To enable image pasting in Markdown files, install the pngpaste Python package:

brew install pngpaste

Show Image in Neovim

Add to .zshrc and .bashrc


Input Method Auto Switch

To automatically switch input methods when entering and exiting insert mode in Neovim:

  1. Install im-select:

    brew tap laishulu/homebrew
    brew install macism
  2. Run im-select and copy the result to your im-select.lua configuration:

  3. Add the following configuration to your im-select.lua file:

    return {
        lazy = false,
        opts = {
            default_command = "macism",
            default_main_select = "im.rime.inputmethod.Squirrel.Hans", -- replace with you result in step 2
            set_previous_events = { "InsertEnter", "FocusLost" },

Optional Input Method

For an alternative input method, you can install squirrel:

brew install --cask squirrel

minial start

nvim -u /Users/jayce.zhao/.config/nvim/mini_astronvim.lua .

πŸŽ›οΈ General Mappings

Here are the general key mappings for this configuration:

Action Keybinding
Leader key Space
Resize up Ctrl + Up
Resize down Ctrl + Down
Resize left Ctrl + Left
Resize right Ctrl + Right
Move to upper window Ctrl + k
Move to lower window Ctrl + j
Move to left window Ctrl + h
Move to right window Ctrl + l
Force write Ctrl + s
Force quit Ctrl + q
New file Leader + n
Close buffer Leader + c
Next tab (real Vim tab) ]t
Previous tab (real Vim tab) [t
Toggle comment Leader + /
Horizontal split \
Vertical split |

πŸ“ Notes

LSP Hover Information

You can use vim.lsp.buf.hover() to display hover information about the symbol under the cursor in a floating window. Calling the function twice will jump into the floating window.

  • Keybinding: KK

Setting DAP Breakpoints

To quickly set a DAP (Debug Adapter Protocol) breakpoint, use <Ctrl-LeftClick> on the line number.

πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Supported Neovim Version

This configuration supports Neovim version >= 0.10.

πŸ“ License

This configuration is open-source and available under the MIT License.

Feel free to explore, customize, and enjoy this powerful Neovim setup! If you have any questions or encounter issues, don't hesitate to reach out.

Happy coding! πŸš€








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