Flixter is a 2-sided video streaming marketplace platform built using Ruby on Rails 4.0. The front-end is built with Twitter Bootstrap 3. Instructors can create courses with individual sections that students can subscribe to by making a credit card payment through Stripe's API. Courses can be continuously updated and content is streamed through HTML5 and JavaScript. Instructor views include a drag-and-drop sorting interface for re-ordering lessons and sections, powered by AJAX to sync with database.
Devise: user authentication
Bootstrap-SASS: Twitter Bootstrap with SASS files
Simple Form: faster form generation
Carrierwave: image/video uploads
Carrierwave-AWS: store uploads on Amazon S3
Mini-magick: image-resizing on upload
Figaro: secure API keys in ENV variable
Stripe: full-featured payment processing API
Ranked-Model: allows easier sorting of objects in database
jQueryUI: drag and drop functionality for lessons and section re-ordering