- Fixes Opera html5 media content including DRM-protected one.
- This script must be executed all times opera fails on showing html5 media content.
- On Debian-based, RedHat-based and Arch-based distributions it could be started automatically after Opera each update or reinstall.
- Works only with native versions of Opera. Won't work with flatpak/snap releses.
- May not work with opera-beta and opera-develper.
wget (Is needed for downloading the ffmpeg lib and widevine)
unzip (Is needed for unpacking the downloaded file)
git (Is needed for fetching this script)
For Debian-based systems:
sudo apt install wget unzip git
For Arch-based systems:
sudo pacman -S wget unzip git
For RedHat-based systems:
sudo dnf install wget unzip git
(Optional) python3-dnf-plugin-post-transaction-actions (Is needed for autoupdate in RedHat-based systems)
dnf install python3-dnf-plugin-post-transaction-actions
Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/Ld-Hagen/fix-opera-linux-ffmpeg-widevine.git
Go to the repo root folder
cd ./fix-opera-linux-ffmpeg-widevine
(Optional) Run script. And if it works well go to next step.
sudo ./scripts/fix-opera.sh
Run install script and answer few questions.
sudo ./install.sh
Delete the repo
cd .. && rm -rf ./fix-opera-linux-ffmpeg-widevine