- zsh
- antigen (will be installed by zshrc)
- nerd-fonts
- vim
- emacs
- tmux
- tpm (tmux plugin manager; will be installed by .tmux.conf)
- neovim
This is for when your current distribution is unsupported by install.sh
sudo pkcon install zsh
sudo pkcon install vim
sudo pkcon install emacs
sudo pkcon install tmux
sudo pkcon install neovim
- .zshrc -> ~/.zshrc
- To apply zsh changes run:
source ~/.zshrc
- If you have an error relating to missing plugins, try removing the $VENDOR plugin.
- If on macOS or on some WSL distros, remove the autostart tmux block.
- To apply zsh changes run:
- .tmux.conf -> ~/.tmux.conf
- To apply tmux changes run:
tmux source ~/.tmux.conf
- To apply tmux changes run:
- .p10k.zsh -> ~/.p10k.zsh
- .vimrc -> ~/.vimrc
- .emacs -> ~/.emacs
- .config/nvim/init.lua -> ~/.config/nvim/init.lua
- To Install neovim plugins, launch neovim and run the following vim commands:
- To Install neovim plugins, launch neovim and run the following vim commands: