Installs Liferay on RHEL/CentOS servers with ansible.
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml
liferay_port: '8080'
liferay_db_user: 'liferay'
liferay_db_password: 'liferay'
liferay_default_database_url: "jdbc:mysql://{{ ip_mysql }}/liferay?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&useFastDateParsing=false"
liferay_archive_url: ''
liferay_version: '6.2.ce'
liferay_bundle_base_dir_name: 'liferay-portal-6.2-ce-ga4'
Liferay archive to be installed. If the file in local
exists it will be used.
liferay_unpack_folder: '/opt'
The folder on the server whe the Liferay bundle will be unpacked
liferay_home: '/opt/liferay'
Liferay's home folder.
liferay_user: 'liferay'
liferay_group: 'liferay'
The operating system user and group that will be used to run Liferay
liferay_dl_folder: '{{ liferay_home }}/data/document_library/'
A folder where files from Liferay's document library will be stored.
liferay_bundle_tomcat_version: '7.0.42'
liferay_tomcat_dir: '{{ liferay_home }}/tomcat-{{ liferay_bundle_tomcat_version }}'
The version of the Tomcat that is bundled in the current Liferay Portal server installation.
liferay_autodeploy_dir: '{{liferay_home}}/deploy'
liferay_enable_remote_debug: false
liferay_db_host: ''
liferay_default_database_driver : 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'
liferay_additional_databases: []
Liferay database informations.
java_home: '/lib/jvm/jre-1.8.0-openjdk'
- hosts: liferay
- name: liferay
- name: liferay
password: liferay
priv: "liferay.*:ALL"
become: true
- role:
when: "ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'"
- java-1.8.0-openjdk
- role: geerlingguy.mysql
- role: cetic.liferay
testing locally with Vagrant
You can test this ansible role by using vagrant
. See the Vagrantfile.
See the playbook used for Travis CI tests (tests/test.yml).
- Provide more recent version of Liferay
- Add Solr plugin
- Linux support
Feel free to contribute.
MIT License