Reperforming the Higgs analysis using Kubernetes.
This tool helps with the submission and management of the Higgs Analysis against any existing Kubernetes cluster. It relies on the Higgs dataset being accessible either in a S3 or GCS bucket.
The CMS Higgs dataset is available as open data, and has 70TB over 26920 files.
It is expected that it is made available in the same cloud provider you plan to run the computation - S3 or GCS are supported.
If you look into the config
directory you can find a few examples of demo
configuration files. It offers enough flexibility to scale the demo and to
split the submission across multiple clusters if needed.
Each JSON entry in the list includes the information for a corresponding
cluster named kubecon-demo-$i
, where $i
is the list index. The remaining
fields include the node flavor to be used, the number of cluster nodes, and the
path to use for the stage-in data (/dev/shm for shared memory, which is the
recommended setup).
The higgsdemo
command line offers the following functionality.
will create one cluster per list entry in the config file,
matching the given flavor and number of nodes. Clusters will be named
, where $i
is the list index in the config.
This is mostly useful where splitting the submission across multiple clusters is required.
This is useful to speed up the actual demo, and makes sure the docker image is available in advance on every cluster node.
higgsdemo prepare --dataset-mapping config/demo-highmem-minimal.json
Here's an example submission for a scaled down analysis:
higgsdemo submit --dataset-mapping config/demo-highmem-minimal.json --access-key ... --secret-key ... --redis-host ...
The dataset-mapping should point to one of the config files. It will spawn a set of parallel processes (one per cluster) doing the submission. The remaining params are the access and secret keys to either S3 or GCS.
To check the evolution of the computation you can trigger a watch in a specific cluster:
higgsdemo watch --cluster kubecon-demo-0
{'pods': {'Running': 48, 'total': 56, 'Succeeded': 8}, 'jobs': {'total': 56, 'succeeded': 8}}
To reperform the computation in an existing cluster, a cleanup is required:
higgsdemo cleanup --cluster kubecon-demo-0
higgsdemo clusters-create --dataset-mapping config/demo-high-mem.json
for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do gcloud container clusters get-credentials --region europe-west4 kubecon-demo-$i; done
higgsdemo prepare --dataset-mapping config/demo-high-mem.json
# monitor prepull progress in a single cluster
kubectl --context ... -n prepull get po
higgsdemo submit --access-key ... --secret-key ... --dataset-mapping config/demo-high-mem.json
virtualenv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements
python install