CUBED CoDe is a free, open source continuous deployment solution developed in .NET 4.5 that uses distributed version control repositories to check for code updates, build packages and deploy them.
CUBED CoDe is currently under development and at very early stages but the basics have been done and it is possible to use it, even though with only rudimentary deployment techniques and only with Git repositories and .NET solutions.
CUBED CoDe's name comes from what it does:
- Check repositories for updates
- Update repositories when needed
- Build updated repositories
- Ensure systems are passing tests
- Deploy systems
That, and from Continuous Deployment (CoDe).
I would very much appreciate any contributions to CUBED CoDe and I am putting together a guide on how to do that that will be published here soon. In the meantime I would appreciate if any possible contributors would contact me through my website:
There is more to come very soon.
Thank you!