Implements the MIP22 for Maker RWA.
MIP22 is using the MIP21 contracts.
The MGR contract acts or implements the interfaces of the following MIP21 contracts
Liquidations are based on the MIP 21 RwaLiquidationOracle state which can only be changed by Maker governance.
- lock
- locks the RWA token as collateral in DSS
- join
- moves drop collateral into the MGR
- draw
- draws DAI from DSS
- wipe
- repays DAI to DSS
- exit
- removes drop collateral from MGR
Tries to recover as much dai as possible without liquidating the cdp by calling pool.disburse().
- tell
- triggers a soft liquidation of the DROP collateral
- requires a RwaLiquidationOracle tell state
- unwind
- triggers the payout of a DROP redemption
- method can be called multiple times until all DROP tokens are redeemed
This is essentially a write off of the debt of the vault based on the MIP21 oracle state.
- cull
- can be called after RwaLiquidationOracle.cull()
- changes the state to cull
- recover
- triggers the payout of a DROP redemption
- recovered DAI is moved into DSS as surplus
The drop collateral token (ERC20) is hold by the MGR
Different states of the MGR contract.
Contract diagrams of all relevant contracts which interact with the MGR contract.
A mainnet targeted spell, integrating the manager and the drop token into maker as a collateral type.
RPC testing with dapp test --rpc <ETH_RPC_URL>
Use --cache
for rapid testing.