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Version Packages (#485)
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This PR was opened by the [Changesets
release]( GitHub action. When
you're ready to do a release, you can merge this and the packages will
be published to npm automatically. If you're not ready to do a release
yet, that's fine, whenever you add more changesets to master, this PR
will be updated.

# Releases
## @celo/[email protected]

### Major Changes

- [#407](#407)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Remove
transfer:gold -- this was an old alias for transfer:celo which has the
same functionality

- [#412](#412)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Remove `celocli

This command was only ever usable pre mainnet launch. The force
deaffiliate method it would call is only callable by one of the
whitelisted Slasher Contracts.

To force removal of validator with poor uptime use `celocli
validator:downtime-slash` or to sever association with a validator from
your group use `celocli validator:deaffiliate`

- [#339](#339)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Remove support for
reserve:\* commands. As foretold by

- [#407](#407)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Remove

This was meant to be a temporary command for migrating account from a
beta version of Valora to the release version. Please use a previous
version of celocli if you need to make this one time recovery.

- [#343](#343)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Remove commands
identity:identifier, identity:get-attestations


### Minor Changes

- [#420](#420)
Thanks [@shazarre](! - Adds support for safe
integration for L2 hotfix security council approvals

- [#429](#429)
Thanks [@shazarre](! - Removes L2 BLS keys
support for account:authorize

- [#447](#447)
Thanks [@shazarre](! -
validator:signed-blocks not supported on L2 anymore, fixes
validator:status L2

- [#471](#471)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - For `account:new`
command add alias "celoLegacy" to the `--derivationPath` flag

- [#459](#459)
Thanks [@shazarre](! - Introduces a new
command `account:claim-rpc-url` allowing to claim RPC URLs

Thanks [@shazarre](! - BLS keys are now
optional as being deprecated on L2, validator:register and
releasecelo:authorize no longer require them in L2 context

### Patch Changes

- [#421](#421)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - fix
governance:build-proposal with contracts from mento or which use
solidity 0.8

- [#463](#463)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Add
GovernanceSlasher to RegisteredContractsEnum

- [#389](#389)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Add warning that
ETH derivation path will be the default in a future major breaking

- [#425](#425)
Thanks [@nicolasbrugneaux](! -
deprecates the flags --whitelisters and --nonwhitelisters from the
governance:show command

- [#456](#456)
Thanks [@nicolasbrugneaux](! - Fix
rewards:show for L2

- [#472](#472)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Dont show flags for
privateKey, gasCurrency, useLedger, and related flags in help for
commands which dont actually make use of them.

- [#395](#395)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Fix incorrect
message where the transfered token was used as gas token in the
messaging but not in actuality

- [#395](#395)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Fix Transfering,
exchanging cusd (and other fee tokens) and or using gasCurrency flag
with ledger devices prior to 1.2

- [#471](#471)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - when account:new is
called it displays the full bip44 derivation path in the output. Before
it would miss the last 2 positions.

- [#480](#480)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Recommended node
version is now node 20

- [#452](#452)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Show deprecated
warning on flags which will be removed after cel2 launch

- [#389](#389)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Fix: account:new
can now be called without a node

- [#449](#449)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Show --node and
--useLedger flags when --help is called. Show aliases for networks in
--node help

- [#452](#452)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - use onchain values
instead of static for lock requirements

- [#450](#450)
Thanks [@nicolasbrugneaux](! -
Gracefully throw if --estimate wasnt passed on L1

- [#427](#427)
Thanks [@nicolasbrugneaux](! -
Change a dependency to use npm rather than github

- Updated dependencies
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]

## @celo/[email protected]

### Major Changes

- [#228](#228)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - remove deprecated
functions and consts exported from ./contacts and ./displayformating.
./currencies and ./phonenumbers. If these are used by your app we
recommend to inline the functions from the previous release.



Full List of removed exports -- ContactPhoneNumber, MinimalContact,
getContactPhoneNumber, isContact, CURRENCY_ENUM, Currency, CURRENCIES,
resolveCurrency, SHORT_CURRENCIES, currencyToShortMap | getErrorMessage
| anonymizedPhone | getContactNameHash

### Minor Changes

- [#471](#471)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - add
DerivationPathAliases export

## @celo/[email protected]

### Major Changes

- [#340](#340)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Removes all exports
under the lib/identity folder. These have been move to a new
@celo/metadata-claims package and should be imported from there.

Note that folder structure is also flattened slightly. so replace
`@celo/contractkit/lib/identity/claims/` with


- import { createAccountClaim } from
+ import { createAccountClaim } from '@celo/metadata-claims/lib/account'

- import { ContractKit, IdentityMetadataWrapper, newKitFromWeb3 } from
    - import { ClaimTypes } from '@celo/contractkit/lib/identity'
    + import { ContractKit, newKitFromWeb3 } from '@celo/contractkit'
+ import { ClaimTypes, IdentityMetadataWrapper } from


Note that Contractkit is Not a dependency. Instead when using
`IdentityMetadataWrapper` you should make an object that satisfis the
`AccountMetadataSignerGetters` type

import { AccountMetadataSignerGetters } from

    using viem it would be like

const accountsMetaDataSignerGetters: AccountMetadataSignerGetters = {
isAccount: async (address: string) =>[address
as Address]),
      getValidatorSigner: async (address: string) =>[address as Address]),
      getVoteSigner: async (address: string) =>[address as Address]),
      getAttestationSigner: async (address: string) =>[address as Address]),

### Minor Changes

- [#447](#447)
Thanks [@shazarre](! - Exposes
EpochManager.getElectedSigners contract method

Thanks [@shazarre](! - ValidatorsWrapper:
add registerValidatorNoBls to allow registration without BLS keys which
are not supported in L2

### Patch Changes

- [#463](#463)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Add
GovernanceSlasher to RegisteredContractsEnum

- [#467](#467)
Thanks [@shazarre](! - fix: add
transferOwnership() to proxy abi list

- [#446](#446)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Bump @celo/abis-12

- [#480](#480)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Recommended node
version is now node 20

- [#455](#455)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Mark contract
wrapper methods that will not work on L2 because solidity contracts have
onlyL1 modifier as deprecated.

| Deprecated Contract / Method | Replacement or none |
| -------------------------------------------- |
----------------------------------------- |
| Validators#registerValidator | Validators#registerValidatorNoBLS |
| BlockchainParams#getEpochNumberOfBlock |
EpochManager#getEpochNumberOfBlock |
| BlockchainParams#getFirstBlockNumberForEpoch |
EpochManager#getFirstBlockAtEpoch |
| Election#getCurrentValidatorSigners | EpochManager#getElectedSigners |
| Election#getGroupEpochRewards |
Election#getGroupEpochRewardsBasedOnScore |
| GovernanceSlasher#slash | GovernanceSlasher#slashL2 |
| DoubleSigningSlasher | X |
| DowntimeSlasher | X |

- [#400](#400)
Thanks [@shazarre](! - Renames `getElected`
and its usages to `getElectedAccounts` for `EpochManagerWrapper`

- [#456](#456)
Thanks [@nicolasbrugneaux](! -
Backwards compat for some methods using epoch's block numbers

- Updated dependencies
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]

## @celo/[email protected]

### Major Changes

- [#340](#340)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Introducing
@celo/metadata-claims These are a series of functions extracted from
@celo/contractkit since they didnt strictly need depend on contractkit
itsefl. Developers can now use IdentityMetadataWrapper with any js rpc
library like ethers or viem or web3js without being forced to import

Instead when using `IdentityMetadataWrapper` you should make an object
that satisfis the `AccountMetadataSignerGetters` type

import { AccountMetadataSignerGetters } from

    using viem it would be like

const accountsMetaDataSignerGetters: AccountMetadataSignerGetters = {
isAccount: async (address: string) =>[address
as Address]),
      getValidatorSigner: async (address: string) =>[address as Address]),
      getVoteSigner: async (address: string) =>[address as Address]),
      getAttestationSigner: async (address: string) =>[address as Address]),

### Minor Changes

- [#459](#459)
Thanks [@shazarre](! - Add support for
RPC_URL claim type

### Patch Changes

- [#475](#475)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Publish lib instead
of src

- Updated dependencies
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]

## @celo/[email protected]

### Major Changes

- [#228](#228)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - remove deprecated
functions and consts exported from ./contacts and ./displayformating.
./currencies and ./phonenumbers. If these are used by your app we
recommend to inline the functions from the previous release.



Full List of removed exports -- ContactPhoneNumber, MinimalContact,
getContactPhoneNumber, isContact, CURRENCY_ENUM, Currency, CURRENCIES,
resolveCurrency, SHORT_CURRENCIES, currencyToShortMap | getErrorMessage
| anonymizedPhone | getContactNameHash

### Patch Changes

- Updated dependencies
    -   @celo/[email protected]

## @celo/[email protected]

### Major Changes

- [#344](#344)
Thanks [@nicolasbrugneaux](! -
Initial release

### Patch Changes

- [#443](#443)
Thanks [@nicolasbrugneaux](! - Safer
handling of v from device

- [#427](#427)
Thanks [@nicolasbrugneaux](! -
Change a dependency to use npm rather than github

- Updated dependencies
    -   @celo/[email protected]

## @celo/[email protected]

### Minor Changes

- [#420](#420)
Thanks [@shazarre](! - Now CeloProvider can
be wrapped in EIP-1193 partially compatible object (request + args)

### Patch Changes

- Updated dependencies
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]

## @celo/[email protected]

### Patch Changes

- [#400](#400)
Thanks [@shazarre](! - Upgrades to latest

- [#446](#446)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Bump @celo/abis-12

- [#420](#420)
Thanks [@shazarre](! - Adds actual Celo
chain id when running anvil

- Updated dependencies
    -   @celo/[email protected]

## @celo/[email protected]

### Patch Changes

- [#389](#389)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Add warning that
ETH derivation path will be the default in a future major breaking

- Updated dependencies
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]

## @celo/[email protected]

### Patch Changes

- Updated dependencies
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]

## @celo/[email protected]

### Patch Changes

- [#463](#463)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Add
GovernanceSlasher to RegisteredContractsEnum

- [#421](#421)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - minor update to
inquirer lib

- [#446](#446)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Bump @celo/abis-12

- [#421](#421)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Fix being unable to
use 08 and mento contracts with proposal builder

- Updated dependencies
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]

## @celo/[email protected]

### Patch Changes

- Updated dependencies
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]

## @celo/[email protected]

### Patch Changes

- Updated dependencies
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]

## @celo/[email protected]

### Patch Changes

- Updated dependencies
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]

## @celo/[email protected]

### Patch Changes

- [#434](#434)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Force patch bump
wallets to deal with version conflict

- [#408](#408)
Thanks [@nicolasbrugneaux](! -
Improve support for celo-legacy and modern txs within ledger

- Updated dependencies
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]

## @celo/[email protected]

### Patch Changes

- [#434](#434)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Force patch bump
wallets to deal with version conflict

- Updated dependencies
    -   @celo/[email protected]

## @celo/[email protected]

### Patch Changes

- [#434](#434)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Force patch bump
wallets to deal with version conflict

- Updated dependencies
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]

## @celo/[email protected]

### Patch Changes

- [#434](#434)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Force patch bump
wallets to deal with version conflict

- Updated dependencies
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]

## @celo/[email protected]

### Patch Changes

- [#434](#434)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Force patch bump
wallets to deal with version conflict

- Updated dependencies
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]

## @celo/[email protected]

### Patch Changes

- [#395](#395)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Fix issue where
ledger running celo firmware app 1.1.10 could not send fee token
transactions or perform and interactions with those contracts

- [#434](#434)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Force patch bump
wallets to deal with version conflict

- [#408](#408)
Thanks [@nicolasbrugneaux](! -
Improve support for celo-legacy and modern txs within ledger

- [#443](#443)
Thanks [@nicolasbrugneaux](! - Safer
handling of v from device

- [#427](#427)
Thanks [@nicolasbrugneaux](! -
Change a dependency to use npm rather than github

- Updated dependencies
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]

## @celo/[email protected]

### Patch Changes

- [#434](#434)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Force patch bump
wallets to deal with version conflict

- [#408](#408)
Thanks [@nicolasbrugneaux](! -
Improve support for celo-legacy and modern txs within ledger

- Updated dependencies
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]

## @celo/[email protected]

### Patch Changes

- [#434](#434)
Thanks [@aaronmgdr](! - Force patch bump
wallets to deal with version conflict

- Updated dependencies
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]
    -   @celo/[email protected]

<!-- start pr-codex -->


## PR-Codex overview
This PR primarily focuses on updating the versions of various `@celo`
packages from beta versions to stable releases, along with some minor
dependency updates and changelog entries for new features and fixes.

### Detailed summary
- Deleted multiple `.changeset` files.
- Updated versions for `@celo/base`, `@celo/utils`, `@celo/connect`,
`@celo/contractkit`, and several wallet packages from beta to stable.
- Added changelog entries for patch updates in various packages.
- Improved support for ledger transactions and fixed bugs related to
wallet interactions.

> The following files were skipped due to too many changes: `yarn.lock`

> ✨ Ask PR-Codex anything about this PR by commenting with `/codex {your

<!-- end pr-codex -->

Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
  • Loading branch information
github-actions[bot] and github-actions[bot] authored Dec 11, 2024
1 parent 4bc9055 commit 2c37ec4
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