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tests: add more coverage for v values
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nicolasbrugneaux committed Nov 18, 2024
1 parent 290bcc4 commit 1d4dbf2
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Showing 4 changed files with 182 additions and 116 deletions.
25 changes: 21 additions & 4 deletions packages/sdk/wallets/wallet-ledger/src/ledger-signer.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,16 +49,33 @@ export class LedgerSigner implements Signer {
try {
const validatedDerivationPath = await this.getValidatedDerivationPath()
await this.checkForKnownToken(encodedTx)
const signature = await this.ledger!.signTransaction(
let {
v: _v,
} = await this.ledger!.signTransaction(
trimLeading0x(encodedTx.rlpEncode), // the ledger requires the rlpEncode without the leading 0x

if (typeof _v === 'string' && (_v === '' || _v === '0x')) {
`ledger-signer@signTransaction: signature \`v\` was malformed \`${_v}\`. Replaced with "0x0"`
_v = '0x0'
const v = typeof _v === 'string' ? parseInt(ensureLeading0x(_v), 16) : _v
if (isNaN(v)) {
throw new Error(
`ledger-signer@signTransaction: signature \`v\` was malformed and was parsed to NaN \`${_v}\``

return {
v: parseInt(signature.v, 16),
r: ethUtil.toBuffer(ensureLeading0x(signature.r)),
s: ethUtil.toBuffer(ensureLeading0x(signature.s)),
r: ethUtil.toBuffer(ensureLeading0x(r)),
s: ethUtil.toBuffer(ensureLeading0x(s)),
} catch (error: unknown) {
if (error instanceof TransportStatusError) {
Expand Down
56 changes: 41 additions & 15 deletions packages/viem-account-ledger/src/ledger-to-account.test.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { recoverTransaction } from '@celo/wallet-base'
import TransportNodeHid from '@ledgerhq/hw-transport-node-hid'
import { beforeAll, describe, expect, it, test, vi } from 'vitest'
import { ledgerToAccount } from './ledger-to-account.js'
import { mockLedger, TEST_CHAIN_ID } from './test-utils.js'
import { mockLedger, TEST_CHAIN_ID, test_ledger } from './test-utils.js'
import { generateLedger } from './utils.js'

const USE_PHYSICAL_LEDGER = process.env.USE_PHYSICAL_LEDGER === 'true'
Expand All @@ -13,24 +13,24 @@ const transport = USE_PHYSICAL_LEDGER
: Promise.resolve(undefined as unknown as TransportNodeHid)

vi.mock('./utils.js', async () => {
const module = await vi.importActual('./utils.js')

return {
generateLedger: vi.fn((...args) =>
// @ts-expect-error
USE_PHYSICAL_LEDGER ? module.generateLedger(...args) : Promise.resolve(mockLedger())

syntheticDescribe('ledgerToAccount (mocked ledger)', () => {
let account: Awaited<ReturnType<typeof ledgerToAccount>>
beforeAll(async () => {
account = await ledgerToAccount({
transport: await transport,

vi.mock('./utils.js', async () => {
const module = await vi.importActual('./utils.js')

return {
generateLedger: vi.fn((...args) =>
// @ts-expect-error
USE_PHYSICAL_LEDGER ? module.generateLedger(...args) : Promise.resolve(mockLedger())

it('can be setup', async () => {
Expand All @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ syntheticDescribe('ledgerToAccount (mocked ledger)', () => {
maxPriorityFeePerGas: BigInt(100),
} as const

describe('eip1559', async () => {
describe('eip1559', () => {
test('v=0', async () => {
const txHash = await account.signTransaction(txData)
Expand All @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ syntheticDescribe('ledgerToAccount (mocked ledger)', () => {

describe('cip64', async () => {
describe('cip64', () => {
test('v=0', async () => {
const account = await ledgerToAccount({
transport: await transport,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,6 +100,32 @@ syntheticDescribe('ledgerToAccount (mocked ledger)', () => {

describe('malformed v values', () => {
test('empty string', async () => {
const test_vs_0_and_1 = [
[0, '', '00', '0x', '0x0', '0x00', '0x1b', 27], // yParity 0
[1, '1', '0x1', '0x01', '01', '0x1c', 28], // vParity 1
for (const expectedyParity in test_vs_0_and_1) {
const test_vs = test_vs_0_and_1[+expectedyParity]
for (const v of test_vs) {
vi.spyOn(test_ledger, 'signTransaction').mockImplementationOnce(() =>
// @ts-expect-error
r: '0x1',
s: '0x1',
const txHash = await account.signTransaction(txData)
const [recovered] = recoverTransaction(txHash)
// @ts-expect-error

it('signs messages', async () => {
Expand Down
16 changes: 14 additions & 2 deletions packages/viem-account-ledger/src/ledger-to-account.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,11 +46,23 @@ export async function ledgerToAccount({

const hash = serializeTransaction(transaction)
const { r, s, v } = await ledger!.signTransaction(derivationPath, trimLeading0x(hash), null)
let { r, s, v: _v } = await ledger!.signTransaction(derivationPath, trimLeading0x(hash), null)
if (typeof _v === 'string' && (_v === '' || _v === '0x')) {
console.warn(`Ledger signature \`v\` was malformed \`${_v}\`. Replaced with "0x0"`)
_v = '0x0'
let v: bigint
try {
v = BigInt(typeof _v === 'string' ? ensureLeading0x(_v) : _v)
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(
`Ledger signature \`v\` was malformed and couldn't be parsed \`${_v}\` (Original error: ${err})`
return serializeTransaction(transaction, {
r: ensureLeading0x(r),
s: ensureLeading0x(s),
v: BigInt(ensureLeading0x(v)),

Expand Down
201 changes: 106 additions & 95 deletions packages/viem-account-ledger/src/test-utils.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,115 +92,126 @@ const TYPED_DATA = {

interface Config extends Partial<Awaited<ReturnType<Eth['getAppConfiguration']>>> {}

export const mockLedger = (config?: Config) => {
const _ledger = {
getAddress: async (derivationPath: string) => {
if (ledgerAddresses[derivationPath]) {
const { address, privateKey } = ledgerAddresses[derivationPath]
return {
publicKey: privateKeyToAccount(privateKey).publicKey,
export const test_ledger = {
isMock: true,
getAddress: async (derivationPath: string) => {
if (ledgerAddresses[derivationPath]) {
const { address, privateKey } = ledgerAddresses[derivationPath]
return {
address: '',
publicKey: '',
publicKey: privateKeyToAccount(privateKey).publicKey,
signTransaction: async (derivationPath: string, data: string) => {
if (ledgerAddresses[derivationPath]) {
const hash = getHashFromEncoded(ensureLeading0x(data))
const { r, s, v } = signTransaction(hash, ledgerAddresses[derivationPath].privateKey)

return {
v: v.toString(16),
r: r.toString('hex'),
s: s.toString('hex'),
throw new Error('Invalid Path')
signPersonalMessage: async (derivationPath: string, data: string) => {
if (ledgerAddresses[derivationPath]) {
const dataBuff = ethUtil.toBuffer(ensureLeading0x(data))
const msgHashBuff = ethUtil.hashPersonalMessage(dataBuff)
return {
address: '',
publicKey: '',
signTransaction: async (derivationPath: string, data: string) => {
if (ledgerAddresses[derivationPath]) {
const hash = getHashFromEncoded(ensureLeading0x(data))
const { r, s, v } = signTransaction(hash, ledgerAddresses[derivationPath].privateKey)

const trimmedKey = trimLeading0x(ledgerAddresses[derivationPath].privateKey)
const pkBuffer = Buffer.from(trimmedKey, 'hex')
const signature = ethUtil.ecsign(msgHashBuff, pkBuffer)
return {
v: Number(signature.v),
r: signature.r.toString('hex'),
s: signature.s.toString('hex'),
return {
v: v.toString(16),
r: r.toString('hex'),
s: s.toString('hex'),
throw new Error('Invalid Path')
signEIP712HashedMessage: async (
derivationPath: string,
_domainSeparator: string,
_structHash: string
) => {
const messageHash = generateTypedDataHash(TYPED_DATA)
throw new Error('Invalid Path')
signPersonalMessage: async (derivationPath: string, data: string) => {
if (ledgerAddresses[derivationPath]) {
const dataBuff = ethUtil.toBuffer(ensureLeading0x(data))
const msgHashBuff = ethUtil.hashPersonalMessage(dataBuff)

const trimmedKey = trimLeading0x(ledgerAddresses[derivationPath].privateKey)
const pkBuffer = Buffer.from(trimmedKey, 'hex')
const signature = ethUtil.ecsign(messageHash, pkBuffer)
const signature = ethUtil.ecsign(msgHashBuff, pkBuffer)
return {
v: Number(signature.v),
r: signature.r.toString('hex'),
s: signature.s.toString('hex'),
getAppConfiguration: async () => {
return {
arbitraryDataEnabled: config?.arbitraryDataEnabled ?? 1,
version: config?.version ?? MIN_VERSION_EIP1559,
erc20ProvisioningNecessary: config?.erc20ProvisioningNecessary ?? 1,
starkEnabled: config?.starkEnabled ?? 1,
starkv2Supported: config?.starkv2Supported ?? 1,
provideERC20TokenInformation: async (tokenData: string) => {
let pubkey: VerifyPublicKeyInput
const version = (await _ledger.getAppConfiguration()).version
if (
meetsVersionRequirements(version, {
minimum: MIN_VERSION_EIP1559,
) {
// verify with new pubkey
const pubDir = dirname(require.resolve('@celo/ledger-token-signer'))
pubkey = { key: readFileSync(join(pubDir, 'pubkey.pem')).toString() }
} else {
// verify with oldpubkey
pubkey = { key: legacyLedgerPublicKeyHex }
throw new Error('Invalid Path')
signEIP712HashedMessage: async (
derivationPath: string,
_domainSeparator: string,
_structHash: string
) => {
const messageHash = generateTypedDataHash(TYPED_DATA)

const verify = createVerify('sha256')
const tokenDataBuf = Buffer.from(trimLeading0x(tokenData), 'hex')
20 + // contract address, 20 bytes
4 + // decimals, uint32, 4 bytes
4 // chainId, uint32, 4 bytes
// first byte of data is the ticker length, so we add that to base data length
const dataLen = BASE_DATA_LENGTH + tokenDataBuf.readUint8(0)
const trimmedKey = trimLeading0x(ledgerAddresses[derivationPath].privateKey)
const pkBuffer = Buffer.from(trimmedKey, 'hex')
const signature = ethUtil.ecsign(messageHash, pkBuffer)
return {
v: Number(signature.v),
r: signature.r.toString('hex'),
s: signature.s.toString('hex'),
getAppConfiguration: async () => {
return {
arbitraryDataEnabled: 1,
version: MIN_VERSION_EIP1559,
erc20ProvisioningNecessary: 1,
starkEnabled: 1,
starkv2Supported: 1,
provideERC20TokenInformation: async (tokenData: string) => {
let pubkey: VerifyPublicKeyInput
const version = (await test_ledger.getAppConfiguration()).version
if (
meetsVersionRequirements(version, {
minimum: MIN_VERSION_EIP1559,
) {
// verify with new pubkey
const pubDir = dirname(require.resolve('@celo/ledger-token-signer'))
pubkey = { key: readFileSync(join(pubDir, 'pubkey.pem')).toString() }
} else {
// verify with oldpubkey
pubkey = { key: legacyLedgerPublicKeyHex }

// start at 1 since the first byte was just informative
const data = tokenDataBuf.slice(1, dataLen + 1)
// read from end of data til the end
const signature = tokenDataBuf.slice(dataLen + 1)
const verified = verify.verify(pubkey, signature)
const verify = createVerify('sha256')
const tokenDataBuf = Buffer.from(trimLeading0x(tokenData), 'hex')
20 + // contract address, 20 bytes
4 + // decimals, uint32, 4 bytes
4 // chainId, uint32, 4 bytes
// first byte of data is the ticker length, so we add that to base data length
const dataLen = BASE_DATA_LENGTH + tokenDataBuf.readUint8(0)

if (!verified) {
throw new Error('couldnt verify data sent to MockLedger')
return verified
} as unknown as Eth
return _ledger
// start at 1 since the first byte was just informative
const data = tokenDataBuf.slice(1, dataLen + 1)
// read from end of data til the end
const signature = tokenDataBuf.slice(dataLen + 1)
const verified = verify.verify(pubkey, signature)

if (!verified) {
throw new Error('couldnt verify data sent to MockLedger')
return verified
} as unknown as Eth

export const mockLedger = (config?: Config) => {
test_ledger.getAppConfiguration = () =>
arbitraryDataEnabled: config?.arbitraryDataEnabled ?? 1,
version: config?.version ?? MIN_VERSION_EIP1559,
erc20ProvisioningNecessary: config?.erc20ProvisioningNecessary ?? 1,
starkEnabled: config?.starkEnabled ?? 1,
starkv2Supported: config?.starkv2Supported ?? 1,

return test_ledger

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