Pass as Command Line Argument when running SyncTimesheetApp Main (all arguments are mandatory)
--input=... --operation=... --baseUrl=https:// --clientId=... --clientSecret=... --minimumDailyHours=8
The output file generated will contain all success and error messages associated by the chosen operation.
The CSV file contains the input timesheet entries to be processed. The file should have a header and follow the following format :
date;CAMIS resourceId;employeeName;timeCode;workOrder;hoursLogged
as an example
date;Camis resourceId;employeeName;timeCode;workOrder;hoursLogged
19/12/2022;I123456;Ward Br;AD;LMAC000.003;1
20/12/2022;I123456;Ward Br;AD;LMAC000.003;7,75
The operation to execute, there are two possible operations
- checkWorkOrders : checks whether each employee in the input csv has access to the specified work order for the first and last date that the employee has registered hours for.
- syncTimeSheets :
: the base url towards the Camis REST API. Ends with a /--clientId
: the clientId, provided to you by the Camis Horizon administrator--clientSecret
: the clientSecret, provided to you by the Camis Horizon administrator
Log files can be found at
- log/camis-horizon-app.log : general logging
- log/check-workorders.log : specific operation logging of the checkWorkOrders
- log/sync-timesheets.log : specific operation logging of the syncTimeSheets
Java 17 ! both for running the application ! also for Gradle JVM
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add Fine-grained personal access tokens
under the name GithubPackagesRegistry
When you Release
a new version, this will trigger a Github Action that upon success will publish artifacts to the Github Packages repository.
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