Docker composition configuration to deploy Nginx, Rok4 and two data pyramids
This repository contains :
- A docker-compose configuration
- A Nginx configuration
The docker-compose configuration contains :
- A Nginx server (docker image nginx )
- A Rok4 server (docker image rok4/rok4 )
- 2 data pyramids (docker images rok4/data-scan1000 and rok4/data-bdortho-d075 )
The Nginx configuration redirect requests on port 80, path /rok4 to rok4, port 9000
Have an host with docker engine and docker-compose installed, a working connection
To run the application, in the main directory : docker-compose up
To test if the server is well running, go to your browser and type this URI :
This should work!
To change the listening port on the host (1234 by default), change the line in the file docker-compose.yml
image: nginx
- "1234:80" <----------------