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CDK Drift Monitor

Monitors for CloudFormation stack drifts. By default, detects drifts for all stacks:

new DriftMonitor(driftDetectStack, 'DriftMonitor');

You can also specify a list of stacks to detect drifts:

new DriftMonitor(driftDetectStack, 'DriftMonitor', {
  stacks: [myStack1, myStack2],

It can also be initialized by providing stack names:

new DriftMonitor(driftDetectStack, 'DriftMonitor', {
  stackNames: ['myStack1', 'myStack2'],

By default, the drift detection will run every hour. This can be customized:

new DriftMonitor(driftDetectStack, 'DriftMonitor', {
  runEvery: Duration.hours(24),

The construct creates an alarm with no actions. Here's an example for adding an alarm action:

import * as sns from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-sns';
import { SnsAction } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-cloudwatch-actions';

const driftMonitor = new DriftMonitor(driftDetectStack, 'DriftMonitor');
const topic = new sns.Topic(this, 'errorTopic');
driftMonitor.alarm.addAlarmAction(new SnsAction(topic));



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