Ising model is a mathematical model for second order phase transitions from paramagnetic to ferromagnetic.
Here in are the C codes for ising model and its variants.
These were part of the project I did under Dr. Raghunath Ratabole and Dr. Toby Joseph of BITS Pilani-Goa (2007 to 2008)
The following is the chronological order of the progress of work
These codes are available under GNU GPL (3 or later)
Also the code for random number generator is included ‘rngs.c’
A simple ising model. outputs a .dat file with the data. A presentation and report are also included.
By: Angad and Chaitanya
A small variation to the ising model, wherein each element can take 3 states instead of 2. A presentation and report are also included
By: Angad and Chaitanya
This was primarily written as to enhance the initial code to run parallely. A report is included.
By: Aditya and Chaitanya
The simple ising model was then coded to changed to a lattice guage model. A report is included.
By: Chaitanya and Ravi
Example of first order phase transition: Consider heating of an ice cube. The specific heat of ice reaches infinity at the 0 deg C due to latent heat.
What are second order phase transitions? - characterized by a divergent susceptibility, an infinite correlation length, and a power-law decay of correlations near criticality.