Today in the USA, more than 32 Million adults and even more children have food allergies or food sensitivities with more people being diagnosed every day. For these people, eating out with friends and family can range from inconvenient to outright impossible, causing stress and psycho-social impacts that lead many with allergies/sensitivities to avoid eating out completely. Our goal is to create a world where the food-restricted community can connect with eachother and with restaurants to create transparency and opportunity. A world where restaurants can engage with the emerging need for allergen-safe options, and where those with allergies can shake off the heartache of having to miss out on social interactions and find a greater level of convenience in life.
MonNom is envisioned to be a mobile app that allows users to find restaurants near them bsaed on selected food restrictions. They can do this through associated menu and ingedient data as well as through the F4M community where users have the capability of reviewing restaurants and dishes. The data feeding will be scraped from restaurants and google maps as well as user input of reviews indicating features of restuarants, experiences, and ratings.