-> http://localhost:8080/
for the autogenerated test db, log in as admin
with password password
- mzscheme/racket 5.3.6 or 6.1.1 or so
- passlib
- pandoc or 1.13.2 or so
- node 0.12
# git already installed
# manual download from http://racket-lang.org/
easy_install passlib
brew install pandoc
brew install node
digitalocean ubuntu droplet:
apt-get install git
apt-get install racket
apt-get install python-setuptools; easy_install passlib
apt-get install pandoc
# node already installed
part of arc
- ac.scm
- arc.arc
- as.scm:
gives an arc repl but is otherwise unused (& modified a tiny bit) - brackets.scm
- copyright
- libs.arc: modified a tiny bit
- pprint.arc
- strings.arc
part of arc but modified by us
- html.arc
- srv.arc
- app.arc (heavily modified)
- forum.arc (heavily modified)
other files are new entirely.
db format
- arc/admins: whitespace-separated list of admin usernames
- arc/fb_auth.json:
{"id": "...", "secret": "..."}
- arc/topstories: dead @ 2015-04-01 - remove it if you see it
production: su forum; cd ~/research-forum; ./run.sh
→ https://agentfoundations.org/