Docker image or standalone script to block/queue jobs to ensure max concurrency limits
WHy? Some jobs (typically deployments) need to run sequentially and not parrellel, but also run to completion. So CircleCI's native auto-cancel
is not quite the right fit.
See as an example using blue/green cloud foundry deployments.
This adds concurreny limits by ensuring any jobs with this step will only continue once no previous builds are running. It supports a single argument of how many minutes to wait before aborting itself and it requires a single Environment Variable CIRCLECI_API_KEY
- which can be created in account settings.
Suppose we have a workflow take takes a little while to run. Normally the build (#18) will run immediately, with no queuing.
Someone else on the team makes another commit, since the first build (#18) is still running, it will queue build #19.
It's late afternoon, everyone is pushing their commits in to ensure they are good before they leave for the day. Build #20 also queues.
Meanwhile, build #19 is now allowed to move forward since build #18 finished.
Oh No! Since 1 minute
is abnormally long for things to be queued, build #20 aborts itself, letting build #19 finish uninterupted.
You can use this in any docker image by including the files found in src and executing the entry script 5
Sample partial .circleci/config.yml
- image: circleci/python:2-jessie
- checkout
- run:
name: Queue Build
command: |
# wait up to 10 minute for previous builds
sh src/ 10
- run:
name: Do Regular Things
command: |
# Do your deployments, testring, etc, whatever should run with single concurrnecy across all builds
To get the latest and greatest without fuss, you can use the provided docker image based on your lnaguage need. Many images supported, add more to [.circleci/images.txt] to add more.
==> eddiewebb/queue-circleci-node:4-stretch-browsers
Browse for all.
queueBuildUntilFrontOfLine. 5
Sample partial .circleci/config.yml
- image: eddiewebb/circleci-queue:latest
- checkout
- run:
name: Queue Build
command: |
# wait up to 10 minute for previous builds
queueBuildUntilFrontOfLine 10
- image: Someother/image:tag
- run:
name: Do Regular Things
command: |
# Do your deployments, testring, etc, whatever should run with single concurrnecy across all builds