Static and runtime dictionary validation (yet another).
$ pip install micromodel
import typing
from micromodel import model, ValidationOptions
Animal = typing.TypedDict('Animal', {
'name': str,
'specie': list[typing.Literal[
# another TypedDicts can be nested
Person = typing.TypedDict('Person', {
'name': typing.NotRequired[str | None],
'age': int,
'animal': Animal
m = model(Person, {
'Animal': Animal
# the validate method will return the input as it is narrowed as the model type
# or raise if it is invalid
result = m.validate({
'name': 'joao',
'animal': {
'name': 'thor',
'specie': [
# 'turtle' (this would produce both static and runtime errors)
# the is_valid method will return the input object narrowed as the model type or
# False otherwise
if valid := m.is_valid(result):
print('dictionary is valid')
# same as typing.cast(Model[T], {})
This library is MIT licensed.