Introducing OpenAPI spec for doing almost anything in CallChimp is a Gen AI Call Center Enhancing telecommunication with GPT-driven bulk calling. It is scalable, user-friendly, and customizable. Optimized for seamless integration and usability.
The APIs are divided in 9 categories listed below:
- Campaigns
- Supervisors
- Lists
- Subscribers
- Calls
- Phone Numbers
- Webhooks
- Scripts
- Voices
- List Campaigns
- Create a Campaign
- Get Campaign by Id
- Delete Campaign by Id
- Update Campaign by Id
- Add Supervisors to Campaign by Id
- Remove Supervisors from Campaign by Id
- Upload audio file to Campaign by Id
- Search Campaign by Name or Id
- List Supervisors
- Create a Supervisor
- Get Supervisor by Id
- Delete Supervisor by Id
- Update Supervisor by Id
- Send OTP to Supervisor by Id
- Verify Supervisor OTP by Id
- List Lists
- Create a List
- Get List by Id
- Delete List by Id
- Update List by Id
- Search List by Name or Id
- Create Campaign with Default List
- List Subscribers
- Create one or more Subscriber(s)
- Get Subscriber by Id
- Delete Subscriber by Id
- Update Subscriber by Id
- Get Subscriber by Vendor Lead Code
- Delete Subscriber by Vendor Lead Code
- Update Subscriber by Vendor Lead Code
- List Calls
- Create a Call
- Get Call by Id
- List Supervisor Inbound Calls
- Generate Call Reports
- List Phone Numbers
- List Webhooks
- Create a Webhook
- Get Webhook by Id
- Delete Webhook by Id
- Update Webhook by Id
- List Scripts
- Create a Script
- Get Script by Id
- Delete Script by Id
- Update Script by Id
- List Available Voices
Callchimp public API offers authentication with API Keys. All endpoints accepts a header named x-api-key
. To get started follow the below steps:
- Login to callchimp dashboard.
- Click on your profile on the top-right corner.
- Click on Settings.
- On the settings page, click on
API Keys
tab. - Click on
button, add a name and an expiry date and click onAdd
. - An API Key will be generated, please save the key somewhere safe as it won't be shown again!
- You can use the API Key directly here in this playground to test out the APIs.
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.0.0
- Package version: 0.1.4
- Generator version: 7.6.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 3.7+
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import callchimp
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import callchimp
Execute pytest
to run the tests.
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import callchimp
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = callchimp.Configuration(
host = ""
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure API key authorization: x-api-key
configuration.api_key['x-api-key'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['x-api-key'] = 'Bearer'
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with callchimp.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = callchimp.CallsApi(api_client)
id = 56 # int | Numeric call id to get
# Get Call by Id
api_response = api_instance.calls_get(id)
print("The response of CallsApi->calls_get:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CallsApi->calls_get: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
CallsApi | calls_get | GET /calls/{Id} | Get Call by Id |
CallsApi | calls_list_inbound | GET /calls/inbound | List Supervisor Inbound Calls |
CallsApi | calls_list_outbound | GET /calls | List Calls |
CallsApi | calls_post | POST /calls | Create a Call |
CallsApi | calls_reports | POST /calls/reports | Generate Call Reports |
CampaignsApi | campaigns_addsuper | POST /campaigns/{Id}/add_super | Add Supervisors to Campaign by Id |
CampaignsApi | campaigns_delete | DELETE /campaigns/{Id} | Delete Campaign by Id |
CampaignsApi | campaigns_find | POST /campaigns/find | Search Campaign by Name or Id |
CampaignsApi | campaigns_get | GET /campaigns/{Id} | Get Campaign by Id |
CampaignsApi | campaigns_list | GET /campaigns | List campaigns |
CampaignsApi | campaigns_post | POST /campaigns | Create a Campaign |
CampaignsApi | campaigns_removesuper | POST /campaigns/{Id}/remove_super | Remove Supervisors from Campaign by Id |
CampaignsApi | campaigns_update | PATCH /campaigns/{Id} | Update Campaign by Id |
CampaignsApi | campaigns_uploadblast | PATCH /campaigns/{Id}/upload_blast_file | Upload audio file to Campaign by Id |
ListsApi | lists_create_campaign_and_list | POST /lists/create_campaign_and_list | Create Campaign with Default List |
ListsApi | lists_delete | DELETE /lists/{Id} | Delete List by Id |
ListsApi | lists_find | POST /lists/find | Search List by Name or Id |
ListsApi | lists_get | GET /lists/{Id} | Get List by Id |
ListsApi | lists_list | GET /lists | List Lists |
ListsApi | lists_post | POST /lists | Create a List |
ListsApi | lists_update | PATCH /lists/{Id} | Update List by Id |
PhoneNumbersApi | phone_numbers_list | GET /phone_numbers | List Phone Numbers |
ScriptsApi | scripts_delete | DELETE /scripts/{Id} | Delete Script by Id |
ScriptsApi | scripts_get | GET /scripts/{Id} | Get Script by Id |
ScriptsApi | scripts_list | GET /scripts | List Script |
ScriptsApi | scripts_post | POST /scripts | Create a Script |
ScriptsApi | scripts_update | PATCH /scripts/{Id} | Update Script by Id |
SubscribersApi | subscribers_delete | DELETE /subscribers/{Id} | Delete Subscriber by Id |
SubscribersApi | subscribers_get | GET /subscribers/{Id} | Get Subscriber by Id |
SubscribersApi | subscribers_list | GET /subscribers | List Subscribers |
SubscribersApi | subscribers_post | POST /subscribers | Create one or more Subscriber(s) |
SubscribersApi | subscribers_update | PATCH /subscribers/{Id} | Update Subscriber by Id |
SubscribersApi | subscribers_vendor_delete | DELETE /subscribers/vendor/{vendor_lead_code} | Delete Subscriber by Vendor Lead Code |
SubscribersApi | subscribers_vendor_get | GET /subscribers/vendor/{vendor_lead_code} | Get Subscriber by Vendor Lead Code |
SubscribersApi | subscribers_vendor_update | PATCH /subscribers/vendor/{vendor_lead_code} | Update Subscriber by Vendor Lead Code |
SupervisorsApi | supervisors_delete | DELETE /supervisors/{Id} | Delete Supervisor by Id |
SupervisorsApi | supervisors_get | GET /supervisors/{Id} | Get Supervisor by Id |
SupervisorsApi | supervisors_list | GET /supervisors | List Supervisors |
SupervisorsApi | supervisors_post | POST /supervisors | Create a Supervisor |
SupervisorsApi | supervisors_sendotp | POST /supervisors/{Id}/send_otp | Send OTP to Supervisor by Id |
SupervisorsApi | supervisors_update | PATCH /supervisors/{Id} | Update Supervisor by Id |
SupervisorsApi | supervisors_verifyotp | POST /supervisors/{Id}/verify_otp | Verify Supervisor OTP by Id |
VoicesApi | voices_list | GET /voices | List Available Voices |
WebhooksApi | webhooks_delete | DELETE /webhooks/{Id} | Delete Webhook by Id |
WebhooksApi | webhooks_get | GET /webhooks/{Id} | Get Webhook by Id |
WebhooksApi | webhooks_list | GET /webhooks | List Webhooks |
WebhooksApi | webhooks_post | POST /webhooks | Create a Webhook |
WebhooksApi | webhooks_update | PATCH /webhooks/{Id} | Update Webhook by Id |
- CallListResponse
- CallReportRequest
- CallReportResponse
- CallReportResponseAnsweredCalls
- CallReportResponseStatsInner
- CallRequestByLeadId
- CallRequestByVendorLeadCode
- CallResponse
- CallsPostRequest
- CampaignAddSuperRequest
- CampaignAddSuperResponse
- CampaignFindRequest
- CampaignListResponse
- CampaignListsRequest
- CampaignRemoveSuperRequest
- CampaignRemoveSuperResponse
- CampaignRequest
- CampaignResponse
- CampaignUpdateRequest
- CampaignUploadAudioResponse
- InboundCallListResponse
- InboundCallResponse
- InboundCallResponseCallchimpNumber
- InboundCallResponseSupervisor
- ListFindRequest
- ListsListResponse
- ListsRequest
- ListsResponse
- Model4XXResponse
- Model4XXResponseErrorsInner
- PhoneNumberListResponse
- PhoneNumberResponse
- ScriptListResponse
- ScriptRequest
- ScriptResponse
- SubscriberListResponse
- SubscriberRequest
- SubscriberResponse
- SubscriberUpdateRequest
- SubscribersPost200Response
- SubscribersPostRequest
- SupervisorListResponse
- SupervisorRequest
- SupervisorResponse
- SupervisorSendOtpResponse
- SupervisorVerifyOtpRequest
- SupervisorVerifyOtpResponse
- TransactionCallRequestByLeadId
- VoiceResponse
- WebhookListResponse
- WebhookRequest
- WebhookResponse
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: x-api-key
- Location: HTTP header
Dynopii Inc.