Titanic https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/titanic
concatenate each features as natural languages
instead of using special tokens like [UNUSED01],
rather assign unused vocabulary for its semantic embeddings.
pclass = 'seat class'
sibsp = 'with sibling'
parch = 'parents onboard' #didn't use same vocab, hoping model won't confuse
cabin = 'cabin number'
embarked = 'embarked port'
If feature name already looks like it has semantic connotation, used it as is.(ex. sex, age, ticket, fare)
didn't use 'Passengerid', 'name' features. assume it will harm accuracy.
inference passenger live or dead with gpt2classification model
train with 200 epochs, cosine annealing with warmup
good fit on train set
epochs = 200
learning_rate = 0.026
eps = 1e-8
weight_decay = 0
batch_size = 8
cycles = 9 (cosine annealing with warmup)
warmup = training steps/10
- pad_token = eos_token makes sense?
- special token length matter? (1 or more)
🤮Score: 0.67464🤮 (200 epochs)
🤮Score: 0.69377🤮 (50 epochs)
- maybe no sufficient training data
- maybe inappropriate model for task (i think this task not much related to word embeddings)
- maybe wrong hyperparameters (some overfitting i guess)
GPT2 fine tuning for classification https://github.com/gmihaila/ml_things/blob/master/notebooks/pytorch/gpt2_finetune_classification.ipynb
Simple Chit-Chat based on KoGPT2 https://github.com/haven-jeon/KoGPT2-chatbot