Installs the following programs:
- Chrome
- Git
- Ubuntu Tweaks
- Paper Icons
- Flat Remix Theme
- Komorobei Desktop
- ZSH and Ohmyzsh
- Spaceship Prompt Hyper Terminal
- Install the Ubuntu shell extension: (make sure to press the 'click here to install browser extension' button"2. Open the ubuntu tweaks tool, set your applications appearence to Adwaita-dark, cursor to paper, and icons to paper
- Restart your computer by running sudo reboot
- Run komorebi
- Open ubuntu tweaks tool, select flat-remix as your shell theme
- Open a new terminal (should be hyper terminal) and install the following packages using hyper i: hyper-spotify, hypercwd, hyperlinks, hyperline -
hyper i <package-name>
- Celebrate! You're done with installing a basic environment!
Questions or comments? File a Git Issue!