Have you ever asked yourself why can't you pay for your usual morning coffee with a credit card? Credit card payments usually have variable and fixed transaction costs, which means that the merchant has to pay a bigger percentage the smaller the transaction is. This project is meant to solve the problem by basically doing payments virtually until a certain sum is reached (to have fewer transactions - hence fewer fixed transaction fees!).
A prototype system in which a group of buyers and sellers create a "pool" to save on credit/debit card transaction fees (the fixed part), thus making micro (sub-dollar) transactions feasible.
This project is written in C++, so it works in all major OSes.
A few details on the reasoning on why I made this are on WHY.MD
Keep in mind it's Google Translated for now, the Italian version is here: WHY_IT.MD
Just use gcc to compile after cloning this repo
There are many variables to customize the results
static const int N_b = 100; //Number of buyers
static const int N_s = 10; // Number of sellers
static const int N_t = 5000; // Number of transactions a day
static const int DAYS = INFINITY; // Number of days
static const int BUFFER = 80; // Buffer for every transaction
static const int from = 0;
static const int to = 10;
static const double FIXED = 0.1; // Fixed cost in real money per transaction
static const double VARIABLE = 0.02; // Variable cost of transaction (in percentage)
An example of the result:
vTransactions: 2049
Transactions: 79
Total amount: 10001.2
Total real amount: 6582.84
Advantage over system: 96.1445%
Bank balance: 139.557
Interest rate: 0.0212001
max spent: 167.94
- Sublime Text - The text editor used
- Visual Studio - To develop initially
- GitHub Desktop - To manage developement
The following is a copy of PurpleBooth
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Pier Carlo Cadoppi - Initial work
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Billie Thompson - README Template - PurpleBooth
- Inspiration
- etc lol