- standalone: activate introtour and tips for new users
- standalone: add "export - patch" to create backup and import back to cables.gl
- standalone: add "op package" button and command to load ops via npm install
- standalone: add basic html export to run projects on webserver
- standalone: add changelog to manage-op tab
- standalone: add field to editorpreferences to set authorname for created ops
- standalone: add hotkeys to native menu, add default items
- standalone: add option to open last saved patch to editor-settings
- standalone: add renaming of op command and button
- standalone: add ui for adding npm packages to ops in "manage op"
- standalone: add ui to organize hierarchy of op-directories
- standalone: always open welcome tab when starting with empty patch
- standalone: autoload Ops.Extension.Standalone
- standalone: better sync between external editors and cables (saved state, reload code, ...)
- standalone: delete node_modules dir after removing last npm dependency
- standalone: direct downloads (e.g. DownloadTexture) to system downloads folder or the one set in editorpreferences
- standalone: do not add npm packages that failed to install, show error
- standalone: fix "send error report" does nothing
- standalone: fix "set patch title" command
- standalone: fix AssetPath op on windows
- standalone: fix adding attachments to ops
- standalone: fix adding core-libs to ops
- standalone: fix adding libs to ops
- standalone: fix attachment code not visible or editable
- standalone: fix bug with saving initial, empty, unsaved project
- standalone: fix bug with stay/leave always leaving the patch when opening a new one in unsaved state
- standalone: fix bug/crash when renaming/cloning to patchop
- standalone: fix cloning of ops on windows
- standalone: fix creating and editing new files
- standalone: fix creating subpatchops in new and unsaved patches
- standalone: fix encoding problems in comments and vizops
- standalone: fix loading of subpatchops in existing patches
- standalone: fix oscsend dependencies
- standalone: fix patchtitle not being shown in summary
- standalone: fix saving of op documentation to contain less data
- standalone: fix setting currenttime in videotexture
- standalone: fix special character issue
- standalone: fix subpatchop creation and port linking
- standalone: handle assetpaths that contain get-parameters
- standalone: handle request errors when trying to fetch versioninfo and events in welcome page
- standalone: hide menubar on externalcanvas and popout-renderer
- standalone: ignore "external urls" in check if asset exists
- standalone: improve startup speed and speed of loading/reloading patches
- standalone: load npm dependencies after ui started
- standalone: load op documentation for ops not in core
- standalone: load ops in application-data directory in new patches
- standalone: load/install npm packages and op-dependencies on project load
- standalone: log npm errors to error console
- standalone: make "Ops.Standalone." default namespace
- standalone: make opdirs work without base/, user/, team/ subdirectory
- standalone: make os-paths available via CABLES.platform.paths
- standalone: make projecttitle/filename changeable in editor and via command
- standalone: make sure assets relative to project always have /assets in ports
- standalone: make sure projectfile always ends with .cables
- standalone: react properly to doubleclicking .cables-files
- standalone: refine error-levels to not open console too often
- standalone: refresh filemanager after saving patch
- standalone: remember window size and position on close, restore via native-menu
- standalone: replace "upload file" button with "add file", add icon to menubar in filemanage, add menuitem
- standalone: reupload/replace file in file-manager tab
- standalone: show info in logfile when electron needs restart during development
- standalone: show loading indicator while npms are being installed
- standalone: show op directory/path in manage op tab
- standalone: show op path in manage-op tab
- standalone: show op-screenshots in opselect
- standalone: speed up loading of opdirs
- standalone: standalone now always uses high resolution timer with nanoseconds precision
- standalone: store saved patches in recent documents
- standalone: support editing of op-summary from manage-op tab
- standalone: try to resolve unknown op-names against other environments (dev.cables.gl/cables.gl), when online
- standalone: update electron to 31.2.1
- standalone: use internal npm and dependencies, faster and less extraction time on windows
- standalone: warn if trying to add op directory to new project without saving
- standalone: make local op dir not removable in "manage op directories"
- standalone: fix missing op screenshots in opselect, again
- standalone: make local op dir not deletabe in manage op directories
New Ops
- new op: Ops.Array.ArrayNumberRamp - Create an array that contains X numbers between start and end values
- new op: Ops.Color.HSLtoRGB - Convert HSL to RGB
- new op: Ops.Color.LuminanceContrast - Calculate the luminance contrast between two colors
- new op: Ops.Color.RGBLuminance - Calculate the luminance of a RGB color
- new op: Ops.Color.RGBToCMYK - Output the CMYK value of a RGB color
- new op: Ops.Color.RGBtoHSL - Convert RGB color to HSL values
- new op: Ops.Extension.Standalone.Ffmpeg - FFmpeg video converter toolbox op
- new op: Ops.Extension.Standalone.Files.CreateFile - Create a new empty file on your local harddrive
- new op: Ops.Extension.Standalone.Files.Exist - Check if a file exists on the local file system
- new op: Ops.Extension.Standalone.Files.FileUrlToPath - Convert file-url to path
- new op: Ops.Extension.Standalone.Files.Makedir - Create a directory on the local file system
- new op: Ops.Extension.Standalone.Files.OpenFileManager - Open the native file manager application using that path
- new op: Ops.Extension.Standalone.Files.PathToFileUrl - Convert local path to file-url
- new op: Ops.Extension.Standalone.Files.ReadDir - Read all entries in a directory
- new op: Ops.Extension.Standalone.Files.ResolvePath - Resolves a paths into an absolute path
- new op: Ops.Extension.Standalone.Files.SelectDir - Choose a directory on your hard drive
- new op: Ops.Extension.Standalone.Files.SelectFile - Choose a file on your hard drive
- new op: Ops.Extension.Standalone.Files.Stat - Get statistics about a file on the local file system
- new op: Ops.Extension.Standalone.Files.SystemDirs - Get Default System Directories Paths
- new op: Ops.Extension.Standalone.Files.Watch - Watch a directory, get a trigger when a file changes
- new op: Ops.Extension.Standalone.Files.WriteBinaryFileFromBase64 - Create a binary file on the local file system from a base64 string
- new op: Ops.Extension.Standalone.Files.WriteTextFile - Write a string to a text file on the local file system
- new op: Ops.Extension.Standalone.Net.HttpServer - Create a Web/Http server locally
- new op: Ops.Extension.Standalone.Net.HttpServerHttpServerResponse - Answer http requests by sending string to the browser/client
- new op: Ops.Extension.Standalone.Net.IpAddress - Outputs your local IP Adress
- new op: Ops.Extension.Standalone.Net.Osc - OSC Connection
- new op: Ops.Extension.Standalone.Net.OscSend - Send data to a OSC device
- new op: Ops.Extension.Standalone.Net.ReadTextFile - Read a text file as string from the local file system
- new op: Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.GaborNoise - Render "gabor noise" into a texture
- new op: Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.Shardnoise - Render "shard noise" into a texture
- new op: Ops.Html.CSS.ElementCss3DTransform - 3d Transform a HTML element by using CSS3D properties
- new op: Ops.Html.CSS.SetCssVariableUrl - Set CSS variable URL value
- new op: Ops.Ui.VizArrayGraph - Visualize Arraty as line graph
Op Improvements
feature: Ops.Cables.UIMode - Added output "Is Standalone" is true if we are in cables electron standalone
feature: Ops.Gl.GradientTexture - Add XX and YY option to have a one axis gradient that is sizesize pixels big and not size1 pixels (e.g. needed to add dithering)
feature: Ops.Gl.GradientTexture - Added option to add dithering to reduce color banding
feature: Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.ImageCompose_v4 - Added clear checkbox parameter, uncheck for feedbacking
feature: Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.PixelDisplacement_v4 - Added pixel mapping mode: e.g. in case the displacement texture is smaller than the texture to displace. useful for displacing with smaller noise textures
feature: Ops.Gl.Pbr.PbrMaterial - Added toggle for double sided, which will flip normals when the face is not front-facing
feature: Ops.Gl.Textures.MontageTextures_v2 - Added X/Y overlap mode, e.g. for comparing images visually to each other
feature: Ops.Html.QuerySelectorAll - Catch errors and show them to the user
feature: Ops.Ui.VizArrayTable - Added stride input. Force a stride for display. Default value 0 will not change stride at all. Will display an error if the stride is not compatible with the arrays length
feature: Ops.Ui.VizArrayTable_v2 - Added stride input. Force a stride for display. Default value 0 will not change stride at all. Will display an error if the stride is not compatible with the arrays length
improvement: Ops.Anim.RandomAnim_v2 - New version: remove not correctly working seed
improvement: Ops.Devices.Midi.MidiOutputDevice - Retry getting midi devices when midi api silently fails
improvement: Ops.Extension.SocketCluster.SocketCluster_v2 - Print error message, remove connection on op delete, return error string
improvement: Ops.Extension.Standalone.Net.Osc - Fixed port input / fixed status output not resetting / fixed problems with reconnecting after deleting op
improvement: Ops.Gl.GradientTexture - Opening the gradient editor at the bottom edge of the window will now move the gradient editor up so it is fully visible
improvement: Ops.Gl.MediaRecorder_v2 - Add default canvas option to use the current WebGL canvas, which also works better with popout canvas
improvement: Ops.Gl.Shader.MatCapMaterial_v3 - Double sided toggle
improvement: Ops.Gl.TextureToColorArray_v3 - Add option to not always output floating point numbers
improvement: Ops.Html.BackgroundImage_v2 - Fixed cache problems
improvement: Ops.Html.Element_v2 - V2: Interactivity is now a switch between True,False or pointer-events:none
improvement: Ops.Html.ImageElement - Can now be ctrl-hover picked as all html elements
improvement: Ops.Html.ImageElement_v2 - V2: Can now be ctrl-hover picked as all html elements
improvement: Ops.Html.QuerySelector_v2 - Catch and show errors to the user
improvement: Ops.Sidebar.Toggle_v4 - CSS classes are applied correctly now on init
improvement: Ops.Trigger.TriggerReceive - Trigger names in dropdown are sorted alphabetically
improvement: Ops.Trigger.TriggerSend - Trigger names in dropdown are sorted alphabetically
improvement: Ops.Ui.Area - Added delete button: removes area without deleting operators inside
improvement: Ops.Ui.VizArrayTable_v2 - New version v2: will now show scrollbars and a slider for scrolling
improvement: Ops.Ui.VizObject - Can now also visualize complex objects with functions etc.
bugfix: Ops.Gl.FontMSDF_v2 - Only set library default values when in UI/Editor
bugfix: Ops.Gl.Meshes.GeometryToTexture_v3 - Fixed rounding errors with some texture sizes resulting in transparent pixels
bugfix: Ops.Gl.Meshes.PointCloudFromArray_v2 - New Version v2: An array with the length of 0 will now draw nothing. (was: was still drawing the last valid pointcloud)
bugfix: Ops.Gl.Meshes.SimpleSpline_v2 - New Version v2: An array with the length of 0 will now draw nothing. (was: was still drawing the last valid spline)
bugfix: Ops.Gl.Shader.PointMaterial_v6 - New version v6: Fixed problems with HDPI, high pixel ratio displays - Multiply pixel ratio with point size in vertex shader
bugfix: Ops.Gl.TextureToColorArray_v2 - Fix outputing wrong amount of values
bugfix: Ops.Html.ElementCssTransform_v2 - Fixed zindex parameter was not working
bugfix: Ops.WebAudio.MicrophoneIn_v2 - Fix listening state output was outputing the wrong value
- editor: Add VizArrayGraph to default vizualisation suggestions
- editor: Alt+tab on mac can now cycle through open tabs
- editor: Better contrast+readability for text editor search results and selected text background color
- editor: Bugfix: rightclick drag a cable onto another cable to replace it, works again
- editor: Clicking the bar below the canvas will focus the canvas
- editor: Console: don't open console on socket timeout errors
- editor: Console: stacktrace lines only clickable when starting with valid protocols
- editor: Disable chrome default gestures when two finger panning and zooming
- editor: Don't let network errors open error console, show connection problem icon
- editor: File manager clear filter when selecting file
- editor: Fix bug with black tabs when activating same tab again
- editor: Fix bug with op parameter changes where setting an unsaved state for a wrong subpatch
- editor: Fix bug with op search dialog not showing documentation after creating a new op
- editor: Fix crash when saving recursive subpatch ops
- editor: Fix file not being uploaded in rare cases when dragged file in internal filemamnager before
- editor: Fix flickering progressbar when uploading files
- editor: Fix problem with editor not creating a tab when editing ops with the same basename
- editor: Fixed/improved height of text editor when opening the first time or when toggline log console
- editor: Handle non-text characters when checking for opname in create/rename dialog
- editor: Improved syntax highlighting in viz ops
- editor: Keep patch-ops unique when cloning patches and copying ops over
- editor: Less modals when saving ops
- editor: Logging console better multiline logs
- editor: Logging console divide lines by time difference
- editor: Logging console higher contrast
- editor: Manage op: fix bug where manage op did not show the port editor for subpatch ops
- editor: Manage op: subpatch ops: hide libs and attachment files from
- editor: New command for re-executing a selected op: "reload op"
- editor: Op rename: do not show initial errormessage
- editor: Patch outline: remove html from comments and limit length
- editor: Prevent saving of recursive subpatch ops
- editor: Remove old backup system from export, because it does not support subpatchops
- editor: Rework "op not found" error-window to link to dev/live and directly to editor
- editor: Rework dialogs for create/patch/clone op
- editor: String ports will show an op warning when they contain "unusual" utf8 characters,e.g. line separator, that can break js minify functionality.....
- editor: Subpatch ops: creating subpatches is faster/smoother animation
- editor: Subpatch ops: creation: re-link all linked ops to a single port
- editor: Subpatch ops: fix async timing problems
- editor: Subpatch ops: improve link creation/auto linking
- editor: Subpatch ops: less saving of subpatches needed
- editor: Text editor tabs, will focus on activate
- editor: To rename an operator, you can now just click its title in the parameter panel (if you have write access)
- editor: Try to resolve ops that do not exist against other environments (dev.cables.gl/cables.gl)
- editor: Unlinked ops are now again behind cables
- editor: Update patchtitle in editor also when publishing failed
- editor: User preferences now have an option to wrap the text editor lines
- editor: User preferences: added modes for scroll events: choose between mousewheel zoom or touchpad/tablet+pen panning mode, or auto
- editor: fix opsearch for searches < 3 characters
Op Renames
- rename: Ops.Gl.Meshes.ParametricSurface - Deprecated.ParametricSurface renamed to Ops.Gl.Meshes.ParametricSurface
- rename: Ops.Gl.TextureToArray_v3 - .TextureToColorArray_v3 renamed to Ops.Gl.TextureToArray_v3
- rename: Ops.Gl.TextureToRandomPoints - Gl.TextureToPoints renamed to Ops.Gl.TextureToRandomPoints
- rename: renamed CSS ops to new namespace Ops.Html.CSS