This is a JSF2 + JPA2 + Maven3 project. Developed and tested on Glassfish3 and MySQL
1) You need to have at least jdk 1.6 installed and set up on your computer
2) You need to have Maven installed and configured on your computer
3) You need to have Glassfish3 (JBoss should work too) installed on your computer
4) You need to have MySQL Server installed on your computer
5) You may need to download MySQL Connector too
hint: You may need to reboot your computer
If you set everything up well, these command lines should work in you Terminal/Cmd
$ java -version
$ mvn --version
- Copy the MySQL Connector jar to $Glassfish_Install_dir/glassfish/lib
- Run Glassfish and go to the admin console http://localhost:4848
Create a new Connexion Pool and a Data Source named: jdbc/RMT
'jdbc/RMT' just match the Data Source I declared in the persistence.xml
In your Terminal/Cmd enter this command line:
$ git clone
You have now a copy of the entire project
$ cd RMT-Supinfo
$ git checkout tags/Step1
This will give a working exercise 1 project
Open the project with your IDE, Build the project with dependencies if you got error.
You can also go to the RMT-Supinfo project directory and type in your Terminal/Cmd:
$ mvn clean package
Dependencies errors should be gone now and you can Deploy it.
Once you got it deployed, you should have 3 Tables in your DataBase which are Client, RMTUser, WorkTime
You have to insert a Manager to use this application
Open a Terminal/Cmd and type:
, id
, dateOfBirth
, email
, firstName
, lastName
, password
, username
, manager_id
('manager', 1, '1975-10-07', '[email protected]', 'Eric', 'Cartman', 'ebfc7910077770c8340f63cd2dca2ac1f120444f', 'manager', NULL);
The password is 'Passw0rd' hashed with SHA1, you can changed it but do not forget to SHA1 it.
Once you set everything up correctly you ready to go :-)