This is a C# implementation of the LINE Messaging API.
This repository contains SDK itself, as well as base samples and Visual Studio templates.
Use NuGet manager to import the library to your project. NuGet Gallery | Line.Messaging
There are several samples which uses the SDK. You can find detail instructions in each directory.
- Azure Function v1 Sample
- Azure Function v2 Sample
- Web App (API) Sample
- Web App (API) to BotFramework DirectLine Sample
The template can be found in Market Place, but if you want to tweak it, the source is also available.
Basically, there are three steps to use the SDK.
- Instantiate LineMessagingClient.
- Implement a class which inherits WebhookApplication.
- Override the method to handle the event.
This is a class to communicate with LINE Messaging API platform. It uses HttpClient-based asynchronous methods such as followings.
Task ReplyMessageAsync(string replyToken, IList<ISendMessage> messages)
Task ReplyMessageAsync(string replyToken, params string[] messages)
Task PushMessageAsync(string to, IList<ISendMessage> messages)
Task PushMessageAsync(string to, params string[] messages)
Task MultiCastMessageAsync(IList<string> to, IList<ISendMessage> messages)
Task MultiCastMessageAsync(IList<string> to, params string[] messages)
Task<ContentStream> GetContentStreamAsync(string messageId)
Task<UserProfile> GetUserProfileAsync(string userId)
Task<byte[]> GetContentBytesAsync(string messageId)
Task<UserProfile> GetGroupMemberProfileAsync(string groupId, string userId)
Task<UserProfile> GetRoomMemberProfileAsync(string roomId, string userId)
Task<IList<UserProfile>> GetGroupMemberProfilesAsync(string groupId)
Task<IList<UserProfile>> GetRoomMemberProfilesAsync(string roomId)
Task<GroupMemberIds> GetGroupMemberIdsAsync(string groupId, string continuationToken)
Task<GroupMemberIds> GetRoomMemberIdsAsync(string roomId, string continuationToken = null)
Task LeaveFromGroupAsync(string groupId)
Task LeaveFromRoomAsync(string roomId)
Use GetWebhookEventsAsync extension method for incoming request to parse the LINE events from the LINE platform. See FunctionAppSample/ as an example.
using Line.Messaging;
using Line.Messaging.Webhooks;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Http;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace FunctionAppSample
public static class HttpTriggerFunction
static LineMessagingClient lineMessagingClient;
static HttpTriggerFunction()
lineMessagingClient = new LineMessagingClient(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ChannelAccessToken"]);
var sp = ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint(new Uri(""));
sp.ConnectionLeaseTimeout = 60 * 1000;
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post", Route = null)]HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log)
IEnumerable<WebhookEvent> events;
//Parse Webhook-Events
var channelSecret = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ChannelSecret"];
events = await req.GetWebhookEventsAsync(channelSecret);
catch (InvalidSignatureException e)
//Signature validation failed
return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, new { Message = e.Message });
var connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AzureWebJobsStorage"];
var tableStorage = await LineBotTableStorage.CreateAsync(connectionString);
var blobStorage = await BlobStorage.CreateAsync(connectionString, "linebotcontainer");
//Process the webhook-events
var app = new LineBotApp(lineMessagingClient, tableStorage, blobStorage, log);
await app.RunAsync(events);
catch (Exception e)
return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
Create a class which inherits WebhookApplication class, then overrides the method you want to handle the LINE evnet in your class.
public abstract class WebhookApplication
protected virtual Task OnMessageAsync(MessageEvent ev);
protected virtual Task OnJoinAsync(JoinEvent ev);
protected virtual Task OnLeaveAsync(LeaveEvent ev);
protected virtual Task OnFollowAsync(FollowEvent ev);
protected virtual Task OnUnfollowAsync(UnfollowEvent ev);
protected virtual Task OnBeaconAsync(BeaconEvent ev);
protected virtual Task OnPostbackAsync(PostbackEvent ev);
Finally, instantiate the class and run RunAsync method by giving the parsed LINE events as shown above.
See Line.Messaging/Webhooks/WebhookApplication.cs as processing event class.
class LineBotApp : WebhookApplication
private LineMessagingClient MessagingClient { get; }
private TraceWriter Log { get; }
public WebhookApplication(LineMessagingClient lineMessagingClient,TraceWriter log)
MessagingClient = lineMessagingClient;
Log = log;
protected override async Task OnMessageAsync(MessageEvent ev)
switch (ev.Message.Type)
case EventMessageType.Text:
await MessagingClient.ReplyMessageAsync(ev.ReplyToken, ((TextEventMessage)ev.Message).Text);
case EventMessageType.Image:
case EventMessageType.Audio:
case EventMessageType.Video:
case EventMessageType.File:
case EventMessageType.Location:
case EventMessageType.Sticker:
protected override async Task OnFollowAsync(FollowEvent ev)
throw new NotImplementedException();
protected override async Task OnUnfollowAsync(UnfollowEvent ev)
throw new NotImplementedException();
protected override async Task OnJoinAsync(JoinEvent ev)
throw new NotImplementedException();
protected override async Task OnLeaveAsync(LeaveEvent ev)
throw new NotImplementedException();
protected override Task OnBeaconAsync(BeaconEvent ev)
throw new NotImplementedException();
protected override async Task OnPostbackAsync(PostbackEvent ev)
throw new NotImplementedException();
See each samples for more detail.