ButFriendly's PageObjects are an implementation of the PageObject-pattern, which acts as a facade to simplify the handling of the mostly complex structure and functionality of HTML pages within Selenium-tests.
The center of <> builds a product with its instances which are the subjects of our test-efforts.
For each of our products we create an YAML-configuration, which contains all information about our available instances, local and remote browsers as well as selenium itself.
A minimal setup must at least define a C{Product} and a C{PageObject}
USE_SETTINGS=config.xml python tralala.py
A product would be an web-application for example, which can be run as multiple instances with different configurations.
ChromeDriver needed: https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/ChromeDriver
VERSION=2.39.0 SELENIUM_JAR="selenium-server-standalone-${VERSION}.jar"
Start selenium-hub:
$ java -jar "${SELENIUM_JAR}" -role hub
The selenium-hub console will be available at http://<hub_host>:4444/grid/console afterwards.
Start selenium-node:
- $ java -jar "${SELENIUM_JAR}" -role node -hub http://localhost:4444/grid/register
- -browser browserName=firefox,platform=MAC,maxInstances=5
- $ java -jar "${SELENIUM_JAR}" -role node -hub http://localhost:4444/grid/register
- -nodeConfig mac_node.conf
You can run tests with:
$ python setup.py test
By default the tests generate a test.log in the current directory.