Put a Raspberry Pi Zero W inside a Behringer X-Touch Mini and implement Xctl/MC/HUI over wifi
- Given a Behringer X-Touch Mini
- Mount a Raspberry Pi Zero W, battery and charging circuit inside
- alternatively, make a box that attaches to the side or bottom of the X-Touch Mini
- if possible, no case modifications should be made
- soldering to the X-Touch Mini PCB should be limited to the USB port
- In normal use, the USB port should only be required for charging and emergency programming
- The battery(s) should be rechargable and last at least 4 hours
- To th extent feasible, all Xctl functions should be implemented
- Custom button chords should be recognized where needed to provide direct access to functions
- an overlay should be created to document functions
- button and encoder lights should be used to give as much feedback as possible
- without modifying the X-Touch Mini, develop initial proof of concept on the Pi Zero hardware
- prove whether a Pi Zero W, battery(s) and charging circuit can fit inside the case without modification
- alternatively, design exterior case/attachment
- prove that the Pi Zero can power and communicate bidirectionally with the X-Touch Mini
- prove that the Pi Zero can communicate bidirectionally with a target device (X-Air mixer, DAW)