0.2.1 (Storm 1.0) Acking support and bug fixes
Enabling acking support by replacing a Storm provided component (backtype.storm.drpc.PrepareRequest) with a custom one PrepareRequestBolt.java. This custom component does not anchor, while the old one did. Since DRPC tuples were being anchored, if they were not acked within the topology level timeout (default 30 s), all queries that lasted longer than that would automatically be failed. Obviously, this would not work for us, so we were recommending to turn off acking entirely. With this change, you can now enable acking. This lets you control how your data source (spout or topology) emits data to the FilterBolts and get reliability if you need it. As before, anchoring is not done in the Bullet components (due to how many tuples may potentially need to kept track of for aggregations).
Bug fix: The setting rule.aggregation.raw.max.size
was not being honored. It now is.
Bug fix: You could previously submit a GROUP type aggregation query that specified no fields or operations. This caused the worker to crash. It now reports an error.