Go here to create an app and get OAuth credentials (if you haven't already): https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new
Create .env file with your access_token / consumer_key
CONSUMER_KEY=<your_key_here> CONSUMER_SECRET=<your_key_here> ACCESS_TOKEN=<your_key_here> ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=<your_key_here>
MJ_APIKEY_PUBLIC=<mailjet_your_key_here> MJ_APIKEY_PRIVATE=<mailjet_your_key_here> MAIL=<your_email> HEROKU_APP_NAME=<HEROKU_APP_NAME>
npm install
node index.js
blackliste des twitts déjà retweeter http://support.twitter.com/articles/66885-i-can-t-follow-people-follow-limits se désabonner des comptes les plus anciens pour ne pas atteindre la limite de 1K / jour et 5K au total
information about limit : https://help.twitter.com/fr/rules-and-policies/twitter-limits 2 400 (re)tweet by day 100 (re)tweet by hour 50 (re)tweet by half-hour 1 000 abonnement par jour //TODO
documentation sur le streaming (utiliser pour la recherche) : https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/filter-realtime/guides/connecting.html
//push modif git push heroku master
//lancer le process heroku ps:scale web=1
//voir les process heroku ps
//stopper un process (web.1 = nom du process obtenu via heroku ps) heroku ps:stop web.1
//stopper complètement heroku ps:scale web=0
//voir les logs heroku logs --tail
//ouvrir la console heroku run bash
//installer vim https://gist.github.com/dvdbng/7375821b20f189c189ab1bd29392c98e
heroku open
//see remote heroku
git remote -v
Twitter API https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs
Keep heroku app alive http://kaffeine.herokuapp.com/#!
heroku ps:scale web=0 --app PING HEROKU APP http://kaffeine.herokuapp.com/
Working with remote heroku : https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/git#creating-a-heroku-remote
//create app on heroku
heroku create
//rename branch heroku to
git remote rename heroku
OR //create git branch heroku and kink to
heroku git:remote -a
//change keys in .env file //to delete friends at firt (only for old account)
node destroy.js
//add keys to settings
//push code on heroku
git push heroku master
//start the bot
heroku ps:scale web=1 —app
PING HEROKU APP http://kaffeine.herokuapp.com/