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Configuration Updates for Ember 1.13.x

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@brzpegasus brzpegasus released this 25 Jul 17:57
· 33 commits to master since this release

The addon stopped working for anyone upgrading to Ember 1.13.x from an earlier version. This had to do with the way that Ember tried to detect whether it was running in Node. In some cases, the app would complain about unrecognized modules, and the ember nw:test command completely stalled as a result.

With the configuration changes that this release brings, you can now run ember nw and ember nw:test with Ember 1.13 apps again.


  • #38 Fix NW configuration for Ember 1.13.x


If you are upgrading from an earlier version of the addon, you may now delete the /vendor/node-webkit/ folder that the addon blueprint put in your project. Those files have been modified and are now managed entirely by the addon. Re-run ember install ember-cli-node-webkit to upgrade.