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createIndex: significantly faster (and now also correct) determinatio…
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…n of id and date range, should be helpful with #35.
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brry committed Apr 14, 2023
1 parent 4f01e4d commit b550c08
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Showing 2 changed files with 74 additions and 53 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: rdwd
Title: Select and Download Climate Data from 'DWD' (German Weather Service)
Version: 1.6.15
Version: 1.6.16
Date: 2023-04-13
Depends: R(>= 2.10)
Imports: berryFunctions (>= 1.21.11), pbapply
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125 changes: 73 additions & 52 deletions R/createIndex.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -82,74 +82,94 @@ quiet=rdwdquiet(),
compstart <- Sys.time()
messaget <- function(x) message(x, " (",
round(difftime(Sys.time(), compstart, units="s")), " secs so far)")
# overview of all index variants:
if(FALSE){ # for development
dd <- unlist(pblapply(unique(dirname(paths)), function(p){
f <- paths[startsWith(paths,paste0(p,"/"))]
f <- f[tools::file_ext(f)!="pdf"]
f <- f[tools::file_ext(f)!="html"]
f <- f[!grepl("Beschreibung",f)]
f <- f[!duplicated(tools::file_ext(f))]
sc <- stringr::str_count(dd, "/")
dd <- dd[c(which(sc==2), which(sc==4), which(sc==3))]
dd <- dd[-which(startsWith(dd,"1_minute"))[-1]]
dd <- dd[-which(startsWith(dd,"5_minute"))[-1]]
# All paths should have the same amount of levels before being splitted:
fileIndex <- gsub("y/solar/", "y/solar//", paths) # hourly and daily only
#fileIndex <- gsub("solar//ignore", "solar/ignore", fileIndex)
fileIndex <- gsub("multi_annual/", "multi_annual//", fileIndex)
fileIndex <- gsub("subdaily/standard_format/", "subdaily/standard_format//", fileIndex)
# remove leading slashes:
err <- "1_minute/precipitation/historical/2021/"
paths <- paths[paths!=err] ; rm(err)
fileIndex <- paths
s <- function(pat, rep) sub(pat, rep, fileIndex, fixed=TRUE)
fileIndex <- s("y/solar/", "y/solar//") # only hourly + daily, not the others
fileIndex <- s("multi_annual/", "multi_annual//")
fileIndex <- s("subdaily/standard_format/", "subdaily/standard_format//")
fileIndex <- s( "1_minute/precipitation/historical/", "1_minute/precipitation/historical|")
fileIndex <- s("5_minutes/precipitation/historical/","5_minutes/precipitation/historical|")
fileIndex <- s("climate_indices/","climate_indices|")
# remove leading slashes:
fileIndex <- sub("^/","",fileIndex)
prec1min <- substr(fileIndex,1,33) == "1_minute/precipitation/historical"
prec1min <- substr(fileIndex,1,37) != "1_minute/precipitation/historical/ein" & prec1min
any1min <- any(prec1min)
ncolumns <- 4 + any1min # supposed number of columns: 4, 5 if any prec1min in paths
# split into parts:
if(!quiet) messaget("Splitting filenames...")
fileIndex <- berryFunctions::l2df(pbapply::pblapply(fileIndex,function(x) strsplit(x,"/")[[1]]))
# check if there are actually 4/5 columns (might be different with non-standard base)
if(ncol(fileIndex)!=ncolumns) tstop("index does not have ", ncolumns," columns, but ", ncol(fileIndex))
if(any1min) fileIndex[prec1min,4] <- fileIndex[prec1min,5]
colnames(fileIndex) <- c("res","var","per","file",if(any1min) "dummyfromyear1minute")
fileIndex <- strsplit(fileIndex,"/", fixed=TRUE)
# check if there are actually 4 columns:
if(any(lengths(fileIndex)!=4)) tstop("index should have 4 columns, not ", ncol(fileIndex))
fileIndex <- data.frame(t(simplify2array(fileIndex))) # much faster than l2df
colnames(fileIndex) <- c("res","var","per","file")
file <- fileIndex$file
fileIndex <- fileIndex[,1:3] # file will be re-attached (with path) as the last column
fileIndex <- fileIndex[,1:3] # 'path' will be re-attached as the last column
fileIndex$per[startsWith(fileIndex$per, "historical|")] <- "historical"
fileIndex$var[startsWith(fileIndex$var, "climate_indices|")] <- "climate_indices"
# Get detailed info from file name elements:
if(!quiet) messaget("Extracting metadata from filenames...")
info <- berryFunctions::l2df(pbapply::pblapply(file, function(x) rev(strsplit(x, "[-_.]")[[1]])))
# Station ID (identification number):
id <- ""
per <- fileIndex$per
sol <- fileIndex$var=="solar"
zip <- info[,1]=="zip"
if(!quiet) messaget("Extracting station IDs from filenames...")
id <- ifelse(zip & per=="historical" , info[,5], id)
id <- ifelse(zip & per=="recent" , info[,3], id)
id <- ifelse(zip & per=="now" , info[,3], id)
id <- ifelse(zip & sol & per!="historical" , info[,3], id) # var==solar
id <- ifelse(zip & per=="meta_data" , info[,2], id)
id <- ifelse(substr(file,1,2)=="kl", substr(file,4,8), id) # res==subdaily
id <- ifelse(info[,1]=="gz"&info[,2]=="txt", info[,3], id) # /CDC/derived_germany/soil/daily/historical/
fileIndex$id <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(id))
rm(id, per, sol, zip)
# standard_format hist/recent
sf <- fileIndex$var=="standard_format" & fileIndex$per==""
fileIndex[sf & grepl("akt.txt", paths), "per"] <- "recent"
fileIndex[sf & grepl("_bis_" , paths), "per"] <- "historical"
# start and end of time series (according to file name):
if(!quiet) messaget("Extracting time series range from filenames...")
ziphist <- fileIndex$per=="historical" & info[,1]=="zip"
multi <- fileIndex$res=="multi_annual" & info[,1]=="txt" & info[,3]!="Stationsliste"
# actual selection:
fileIndex$id <- "" # Station ID (identification number)
fileIndex$start <- ""
fileIndex$start <- ifelse(ziphist|multi, info[,4], fileIndex$start)
fileIndex$end <- ""
if(!quiet) messaget("Extracting station IDs + time range from filenames...")
now <- grepl("",file,fixed=TRUE) | grepl("",file,fixed=TRUE) |
# /CDC/derived_germany/soil/daily/historical/derived_germany_soil_daily_historical_1001.txt.gz
deriv <- grepl("derived_germany",file,fixed=TRUE)
selmeta <- which(tools::file_ext(file) == "zip" & fileIndex$per!="meta_data" & !now & !deriv)
filesel <- file[selmeta]
filesel <- sub("wetter_tageswerte_RR", "wetter_tageswerte|RR", filesel, fixed=TRUE)
filesel <- sub("extrema_temp", "extrema|temp", filesel, fixed=TRUE)
filesel <- sub("extrema_wind", "extrema|wind", filesel, fixed=TRUE)
filesel <- strsplit(filesel, "_", fixed=TRUE)
# info <- l2df(filesel) ; View(info[grepl("\\D",info$V5),])
fileIndex$id [selmeta] <- sapply(filesel, "[", 3)
fileIndex$start[selmeta] <- sapply(filesel, "[", 4)
fileIndex$end [selmeta] <- sapply(filesel, "[", 5)
selmeta <- fileIndex$per=="meta_data"
fileIndex$id[selmeta] <-sub(".*_(\\d*)\\.zip" , "\\1", basename(file[selmeta]))
fileIndex$id[now] <- sub(".*_(\\d*)_\\D{3}\\.zip", "\\1", basename(file[now]) )
fileIndex$id[deriv] <- sub(".*_(\\d*)\\.txt\\.gz" , "\\1", basename(file[deriv]) )
rm(selmeta, deriv, now, file, filesel)
fileIndex$id <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(fileIndex$id))
fileIndex$start <- as.Date(fileIndex$start, "%Y%m%d")
# Analogous for end:
fileIndex$end <- ""
fileIndex$end <- ifelse(ziphist|multi, info[,3], fileIndex$end)
fileIndex$end <- as.Date(fileIndex$end, "%Y%m%d")
# standard_format hist/recent
sf <- fileIndex$var=="standard_format" & fileIndex$per==""
fileIndex[sf & grepl("akt.txt", paths, fixed=TRUE), "per"] <- "recent"
fileIndex[sf & grepl("_bis_" , paths, fixed=TRUE), "per"] <- "historical"
if(!quiet) messaget("Determining if files contain meta data...")
# is the file a metafile?
ma <- fileIndex$res=="multi_annual"
ismeta1 <- !ma & grepl('.txt$', paths) & grepl("Beschreibung", paths)
ismeta2 <- ma & grepl("Stationsliste", paths)
ismeta3 <- grepl("meta_data/Meta_Daten", paths)
ismeta4 <- grepl('.pdf$', paths) | grepl('.html$', paths)
ismeta1 <- !ma & endsWith(paths,'.txt') & grepl("Beschreibung", paths, fixed=TRUE)
ismeta2 <- ma & grepl("Stationsliste", paths, fixed=TRUE)
ismeta3 <- grepl("meta_data/Meta_Daten", paths, fixed=TRUE)
ismeta4 <- endsWith(paths,'.pdf') | endsWith(paths,'.html')
fileIndex$ismeta <- ismeta1 | ismeta2 | ismeta3 | ismeta4
rm(ma, ismeta1, ismeta2, ismeta3, ismeta4)
# Append path for accurate file reading later on, e.g. with dataDWD:
# Append original paths for accurate file reading later on, e.g. with dataDWD:
fileIndex$path <- paths
rownames(fileIndex) <- NULL
Expand All @@ -166,6 +186,7 @@ if(!isTRUE(meta)) return(invisible(fileIndex))
# metaIndex --------------------------------------------------------------------
if(!quiet) messaget("Generating metaIndex...")
# select Beschreibung_.txt files only:
sel <- grepl('.txt$', fileIndex$path)
sel <- sel & grepl("Beschreibung_Stationen", fileIndex$path)
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