- A Blog centered around Software Engineering and Technology
-The purpose of this project is to create a community and a resource pool for students in Tech, where we can all come together and share ideas and learn to find solutions for ourselves.
- contributions to this project are welcome. I hope to build a community where we can exchange Ideas.
- create a fork from this repo
- clone the repo to your local environment
git clone <URL-From-Your-Forked-Repo>
- create a branch off of the main branch and name the branch in the following syntax:
git checkout -B <Your-Name/What-The-Feature-Is>
- Edit the files and add a feature. Make sure to test that it is working.
- cimmit the changes in the branch to remote.
- submit pull request to the main branch
- pull requests should headline what the feature added is.
- pull requests should have in point form, detailed description of the code behind the feature.
- After subbmiting a pull request, please wait for the main repo to review and merge.