The iRobot Force Beta ( Release 1.0.0 for the iRobot Create (
Controlling the iRobot Create Remotely from a Website using JavaScript
CS 101 Project: Yuncheng He, Songyue Huang, Bridget Lane, Nathan Murray, John Paschal
The iRobot Force is a simple web-based remote control for the iRobot Create that allows the user to control their iRobot from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.
Thank you for your interest in our project. First, we’ll cover some fundamental assumptions:
• You have an iRobot Create that is fully integrated with a laptop that has some form of camera
• You have a Skype account
• You have a server to host the website, set up with the code in the server folder: server.js
• You’ve read through “How to Become an iJedi” on the webpage, and have downloaded the receive file onto your camera-enabled laptop
Here’s how to get started:
• Clone or fork this repository
• Line 35 of usetheforce.html has our Skype name embedded. Erase this and embed your own Skype name
• Run the adjusted webpage on your local or public server
• Change line 19 of to link to your server. You may have to change line 12 from robot=create.Create(3) to robot=create.Create(4) depending on your OS
• Set up your iRobot as directed on the “How to Become an iJedi” page referenced above, by connecting the laptop and the iRobot, starting the receive program, and beginning the Skype video call
And you’re free to control your iRobot Create from any device!
Information of the latest release can be found at
This documentation is current with the release listed on ln.1 of this document and currently only available via this GitHub repository.
Currently specialized developer installation is available, steps listed above. Self-assembly required.
Please see the file entitled LICENSE
This app is currently only made for the iRobot Create. More information can be found at