A collection of all things Jobs to Be Done. Inspired by 'awesome-*' repos. PRs welcome. Add to the awesome.
- jobstobedone.org Podcast and other resources
- JTBD on Quora
- JTBD Theory and Approach at Strategyn Since 1991 Strategyn has pioneered jobs-to-be-done (JTBD) theory and used it to help the world’s leading companies create hundreds of winning products.
- Jobs To Be Done on Medium Exploring how the Jobs-to-be-Done framework helps us create better products and define markets.
- The Innovator's Dilemma by Clayton M. Christensen. Focusing on disruptive technology, Christensen shows why most companies miss out on new waves of innovation.
- Jobs-to-be-Done Handbook by Chris Spiek, Bob Moesta.
- Intercom on Jobs to Be Done E-book by the team at Intercom
- Competing Against Luck Clayton Christensen's take on JTBD theory and how it impacts a company's ability to innovate
- Jobs to Be Done: A Roadmap for Customer-Centered Innovation
- Jobs-to-be-Done Radio Download past episodes or subscribe to future episodes for free from Jobs-to-be-Done Radio by The Re-Wired Group on the iTunes Store.
- Clayton Christensen on The Critical Path Podcast Horace interviews his teacher Clay Christensen to discuss his new book, How Will You Measure Your Life. We discuss some of the concepts of learning, jobs to be done and approaches to self-disruption.
- Bob Moesta on The Critical Path Podcast The hiring and firing of milkshakes and candy bars
- An interview with Ryan Singer - Inside Intercom
- Understanding the Job The classic "milkshake" story
When you're first learning about JTBD, few things are as helpful as listening to real interviews so that conducting your own for the first time is less intimidating.
Examples of Timeline and Forces templates to use during your interviews.
- Vertical Timeline with Integrated Forces
- Simplified Timeline
- Intro Script and Timeline
- Basic Timeline Structure from Rewired Group
- Mastering Jobs to Be Done Interviews online course
- Business of Software
- The Switch Workshop. Presented by 37signals + The Rewired Group. In the past, but recommend keeping your eyes and ears out for announcements
- Events Calendar at jtbd.org Not well-maintained, but worth staying tuned
- Marketing Malpractice: The Cause and the Cure - HBR Marketing executives focus too much on ever-narrower demographic segments and ever-more-trivial product extensions. They should find out, instead, what jobs consumers need to get done.
- Finding the Right Job For Your Product | MIT Sloan Management Review
- Clay Christensen’s Milkshake Marketing — HBS Working Knowledge About 95 percent of new products fail. It's time for companies to look at products the way customers do: as a way to get a job done.
- Technique 1 - Jobs to be Done | The Innovator's Toolkit
- Interviews, Timelines, Forces, Job Stories — what’s the difference?
- A Script To Kickstart Your JTBD Interviews ‘Jobs’ interviews are fun and tremendously helpful. This script will help your team get started with them.
- The Iceberg of Jobs-to-be-Done | Teehan+Lax The most important thing you can do is validate that the problem you are trying to solve is meaningful
- Designing Features Using Jobs To Be Done
- Why Jobs to be Done interviews don't "Lead the Witness"
- This is not a map - Inside Intercom "A worse map does a better job."
- Replacing The User Story With The Job Story — Jobs To Be Done — Medium Too many assumptions are dangerous
- The forces at work when choosing a product A better design of the Forces diagram than the one used by Rewired Group
- Personas and Jobs To Be Done — Medium Thoughts on the growing divide between jobs to be done and personas
- A New Framework for Customer Segmentation - HBR How the “jobs done” segmentation works
- This Causes People to Purchase - Medium JTBD is that simple. But, it’s also that complicated.
Follow these people
- Clayton Christensen (@claychristensen)
- Bob Moesta (@bmoesta)
- Ryan Singer (@rjs)
- Jason Fried (@jasonfried)
- Chris Spiek (@chriscbs)
- Tony Ulwick (@Ulwick)
- David Wu (@marksweep)
- Mike Rivera (@heavywinter)
- Jobs-to-be-Done (@jobstobedone)
- Ervin Fowlkes (@ervinfowlkes)
- Des Traynor (@destraynor)
- Paul Adams (@Padday)
- Dr. Marie Taillard (@marietaillard)