Add .editorconfig file for vscode
Initialise node project
yarn init
app.ts file is entry point of the application
Linting is important as it ensures that code is standardized
Run the command to install linting dependencies
yarn add --dev typescript eslint prettier tslint @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier
Create .eslintrc, .prettierrc .eslintignore tsconfig.json files
Add typings
yarn add --dev @types/node @types/mongoose @types/agenda @types/express @types/jest @types/lodash
Add ts-jest jest for test environment
yarn add --dev ts-jest jest
Add the following devtools
yarn add --dev husky lint-staged ts-node
Add jest.config.js, .lintstagedrc, nodemon.json files
Make changes to package.json scripts and hooks
Add .env file
JWT_EXPIRY=? // '1d' '1m' etc
LOG_LEVEL=? // 'debug'
MONGO_DB_URI=? // eg 'mongodb://localhost:27017/test-db'
FILE_PATH=? // file upload folder eg '../.nodeapi_files', either add this folder to gitignore to avoid commit the folder or set the folder outside the project folder
AFRICASTALKING_API_KEY=? // SMS Getway Config, You can replace this with other sms getways eg twilio
AFRICASTALKING_USERNAME=? // SMS Getway Config, You can replace this with other sms getways eg twilio
AFRICASTALKING_FROM=? // SMS Getway Config, You can replace this with other sms getways eg twilio: NOTE: Remember to edit smsService implementation as well
PROJECT_NAME=? // Name of the project, shown in SMS
PROJECT_OTP_EXPIRY=? // Duration before OTP expires
PROJECT_OTP_CHARACTER_SET=? // Characters used to generate OTP eg '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', NOTE: To prevent bruteforce use alphanumeric PROJECT_OTP_CHARACTER_SET, short PROJECT_OPT_EXPIRY and long PROJECT_OTP_LENGTH
Add ecosystem.config.js file (Read more from PM2 documentation)
exports.apps = [
name: ?, // name of the process
script: './build/app.js',
instances: 'max',
exec_mode: 'cluster',
max_memory_restart: '4G',
node_args: '--max_old_space_size=4096',
To start
yarn serve
To stop
yarn stop