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Allows users to belong to a certain organization, similar to GitHub organizations.


  • Members can belong to zero or more organizations
  • Organizations can assign arbitrary, user-defined permissions to users (e.g. admin or collaborator; or create, update, delete)

Difference with alanning:roles

This is similar to alanning:roles but differs in these aspects:

  • Details about the organization (i.e. group) and permissions (i.e. roles) are not stored inside the user object, but rather normalized into their own respective collection. This makes searching for roles, members and organizations much faster.
  • Organizations can (potentially) have an infinite number of properties, such as name, description, slogan etc.

In our application, we are using alanning:roles to manage roles for different platforms that share the same user database. For example, we have a blog, a platform for users, and an internal administrative dashboard. Within the platform for users, we use brewhk:accounts-organization to add users to businesses (i.e. organizations). For example, Alice and Bob would both be members of Brew, but Alice is also a member of Google.

So Alice and Bob would both have roles user in the group platform defined with alanning:roles. Alice and Bob would then also be members of the organization Brew (represented by a Mongo ID).



meteor add brewhk:accounts-organization



First, import the library into your code:

import Organization from 'meteor/brewhk:accounts-organization';

All client-side methods that mutates the data in some way returns with a promise. All client-side functions that (indirectly) queries the database returns with a cursor of the results.


Create a new organization.


* denotes a required field

  • An Object with the following properties:
    • name* String - Display name for the organization. Does not have to be unique.
    • description String - Description of the organization

Return Values

Returns a promise, which:

  • resolves with the ID of the new organization (e.g. L6eFEyhYgHnBt2F3z), or
  • rejected with the error object


Create an organization with no members

  name: "Empty Organization",
  description: "There are no members in this organization",
}).then(res => console.log(res)).catch(err => console.log(err));

Create an organization with a single member (see addMembers below)

  name: "Organization with One Member",
  description: "There is 1 member in this organization",
}).then(id => {
  Organization.addMembers(id, [{
    userId: 'PpqKunbxPzBXFkT9K',
}).catch(err => console.log(err));


Updates an organization.


  • Only the name and description fields can be updated. If you want to add / remove members or change their permissions, call the addMembers, removeMembers and / or changePermissions methods instead.
  • Deleted organizations would not be updated


* denotes a required field

  • id* String - ID of the organization to update
  • An Object with the following properties:
    • name String - Display name for the organization. Does not have to be unique.
    • description String - Description of the organization

Return Values

Returns a promise, which:

  • resolves with true, although it does not mean any database entries was changed (e.g. if no organization exists with that ID)
  • rejected with the error object


Update an organization with a new name and description

Organization.update('C3BWcayYpvTCC8qww', {
  name: "Updated Organization",
  description: Math.random().toString(),
}).then(res => console.log(res)).catch(err => console.log(err));

Trying to update a deleted organization would not change anything

// Organization with ID `JBijDo8P74H3cvguQ` was deleted with `Organization.delete`
Organization.update('JBijDo8P74H3cvguQ', {
  name: "Trying to update a deleted organization",
  description: "You should not see this text",
}).then(res => console.log(res)).catch(err => console.log(err));


(Soft) deletes an organization.


* denotes a required field

  • id* String - ID of the organization to delete

Return Values

Returns a promise, which:

  • resolves with true, although it does not mean any database entries was changed (e.g. if no organization exists with that ID)
  • rejected with the error object


Delete an organization

  .then(res => console.log(res)).catch(err => console.log(err));

Trying to update a deleted organization would not change anything

Organization.update('JBijDo8P74H3cvguQ', {
  name: "Trying to update a deleted organization",
  description: "You should not see this text",
}).then(res => console.log(res)).catch(err => console.log(err));


Add members to the organization.


  • If the member with the ID already exists, it will be replaced with the new member object. This is important as if the permissions field is not specified, it will default to [], and this means the existing member would have all permissions removed.


* denotes a required field

  • id* String - ID of the organization to add members to
  • members* [Objects] - an array of members, each member is an object with the following properties:
    • userId* String - The _id of the member's user object
    • permissions [String] - An array of permission strings

Return Values

Returns a promise, which:

  • resolves with true, although it does not mean any database entries was changed (e.g. if no organization exists with that ID)
  • rejected with the error object


Add members with no permissions to the organization

Organization.addMembers('JBijDo8P74H3cvguQ', [
    userId: 'PpqKunbxPzBXFkT9K'
  }, {
    userId: 'qgmpHtyKswwrJgs46'
  }, {
    userId: 'D5hR2H2AEo79b4Jpn'
  }, {
    userId: '3e48WKy73dWiAnNK5'
]).then(res => console.log(res)).catch(err => console.log(err));

Add members with permissions

Organization.addMembers('JBijDo8P74H3cvguQ', [
    userId: 'PpqKunbxPzBXFkT9K',
    permissions: ['manager', 'customer-service']
]).then(res => console.log(res)).catch(err => console.log(err));


Remove members from organization.


* denotes a required field

  • id* String - ID of the organization to add members to
  • members* [String] - an array of members IDs

Return Values

Returns a promise, which:

  • resolves with true, although it does not mean any database entries was changed (e.g. if no organization exists with that ID)
  • rejected with the error object


Remove members from the organization

Organization.removeMembers('JBijDo8P74H3cvguQ', ['PpqKunbxPzBXFkT9K'])
  .then(res => console.log(res)).catch(err => console.log(err));


Change permissions for one or more users in an organization.


* denotes a required field

  • id* String - ID of the relevant organization
  • members* Object - an object the defines the constraints of which members this will affect. Any empty object ({}) defaults to modifying all members of the organization. You can set constraints using the following the following properties:
    • only [String] - Only apply the permission changes to this array of user IDs
    • except [String] - Apply the permission changes to all members except this array of user IDs
  • permissions Object - an object that specifies how the permissions will change. It should include one, and only one, of the following properties†:
    • set [String] - Set the permission to the array
    • add [String] - Add the permissions to the existing array of permissions
    • remove [String] - Remove the following list of permissions from the existing array of permissions

† Due to the way Mongo works, we cannot modify the same field using the same operation. Thus we cannot use the $push (to add permissions) and $pull (to remove permissions) operators at the same time.

Return Values

Returns a promise, which:

  • resolves with true when a database update operation was performed, or false if it was not performed (because it didn't need to be updated, for example, due to invalid / conflicting options)
  • rejected with the error object


Change permissions of all members of an organization

Organization.changePermissions('JBijDo8P74H3cvguQ', {}, {
  set: ["admin", "manager"],
}).then(res => console.log(res)).catch(err => console.log(err));

Add permissions to only the specified members

Organization.changePermissions('JBijDo8P74H3cvguQ', {
  only: ['PpqKunbxPzBXFkT9K', 'qgmpHtyKswwrJgs46'],
}, {
  add: ["add", "extra", "sauce"],
}).then(res => console.log(res)).catch(err => console.log(err));

Remove permissions from all members except those specified

Organization.changePermissions('JBijDo8P74H3cvguQ', {
  except: ['D5hR2H2AEo79b4Jpn', '3e48WKy73dWiAnNK5']
}, {
  remove: ["sauce", "manager"],
}).then(res => console.log(res)).catch(err => console.log(err));

Add and remove permission from a specific list of users. This would not work, you should update each one sequentially

Organization.changePermissions('JBijDo8P74H3cvguQ', {
  only: ['D5hR2H2AEo79b4Jpn']
}, {
  add: ["poo", "foo", "face"],
  remove: ["admin", "manager"],
}).then(res => console.log(res)).catch(err => console.log(err));




Creates a new organization


* denotes a required field

  • options Object - An Object with the following properties:
    • name* String - Display name for the organization. Does not have to be unique.
    • description String - Description of the organization
  • caller String - The ID of the user making the call, or null if it is from an anonymous user

Return Values

The ID of the newly-created organization in the Organization.Collections.Organization collection.


Update an organization - should only be used to update the name and/or description


* denotes a required field

  • id String - ID of the organization being updated
  • options Object - details about the changes to apply to the organization; after cleaning and validation, would be passed to the update method inside a $set. May contain any (or none) of the following properties:
    • name String - Display name for the organization. Does not have to be unique.
    • description String - Description of the organization
  • caller String - The ID of the user making the call, or null if it is from an anonymous user

Return Values



(Soft-)deletes an organization


* denotes a required field

  • id* String - ID of the organization being deleted
  • caller* String - The ID of the user making the call, or null if it is from an anonymous user

Return Values



Add new members to the organization. The function would check that the users with the userId exists before adding the members. Anonymous users would not be added. Users who are already members would have their user object replaced by the new specification.


* denotes a required field

  • id* String - ID of the organization to add members to
  • members* [Object] - An array of user objects. User objects with the same userId property would be deduplicated first, and the first value encountered would be used (see the uniqBy method of Lodash for more details about this deduplication). The following properties are required:
    • userId* String - _id of the user
    • permissions [String] - An array of strings representing permissions. E.g. ["admin", "manager"]
  • caller* String - The ID of the user making the call, or null if it is from an anonymous user

Return Values



Removes members from organization


* denotes a required field

  • id* String - ID of the organization to remove members from
  • members* [String] - An array of user IDs
  • caller* String - The ID of the user making the call, or null if it is from an anonymous user

Return Values



Changes permission(s) for member(s)


* denotes a required field

  • id* String - ID of the relevant organization
  • members* Object - an object the defines the constraints of which members this will affect. Any empty object ({}) defaults to modifying all members of the organization. You can set constraints using the following the following properties:
    • only [String] - Only apply the permission changes to this array of user IDs
    • except [String] - Apply the permission changes to all members except this array of user IDs
  • permissions* Object - an object that specifies how the permissions will change. It should include one, and only one, of the following properties†:
    • set [String] - Set the permission to the array
    • add [String] - Add the permissions to the existing array of permissions
    • remove [String] - Remove the following list of permissions from the existing array of permissions
  • caller* String - The ID of the user making the call, or null if it is from an anonymous user

† Due to the way Mongo works, we cannot modify the same field using the same operation. Thus we cannot use the $push (to add permissions) and $pull (to remove permissions) operators at the same time.

Return Values

Returns true when a database update operation was performed, or false if it was not performed (because it didn't need to be updated, for example, due to invalid / conflicting options)


All methods are namespaced under brewhk:accounts-organization, so to call the create method, you would write:

Meteor.apply('brewhk:accounts-organization/create', [options], function (err, res) {})

However, you would rarely call the methods directly; instead, you should use the methods provided for the client (e.g. Organization.create(options)), which will call the method for you and returns with a promise.

The API for the methods are the same as for the server-side functions specified above, the only difference being the omission of the caller parameter, which is passed from the method to the function as the value of this.userId. Fro details about the arguments, refer to the specification for the server-side functions.

For example, this is the implementation of the create method:

'brewhk:accounts-organization/create': function (options) {
  return Organization.create(options, this.userId);

The following methods are available:

  • create(options)
  • update(id, options)
  • delete(id)
  • addMembers(id, members)
  • removeMembers(id, members)
  • changePermissions(id, members, persmissions)


All methods are namespaced under brewhk:accounts-organization, so to subscribe to the organization publication, you would write:

Meteor.subscribe('brewhk:accounts-organization/organization', ["a", "b"], () => {})


Get the corresponding organization objects from the Organization.Collections.Organization collection


  • ids* [String] - Array of organization IDs


Get all membership objects related to the user from the Organization.Collections.Membership collection


  • userId* String - _id of the user in the Meteor.users collection


Get all membership objects related to the organization from the Organization.Collections.Membership collection


  • organizationId* String - _id of the organization in the Organization.Collections.Organization collection


Get all user objects of members in an organization from the Meteor.users collection


  • organizationId* String - _id of the organization in the Organization.Collections.Organization collection


Get all objects for organizations for which the user is a member of


  • userId* String - _id of the user in the Meteor.users collection


Hooks are functions which are ran before or after a certain event, such as an update to the database. For example, after an organization is created, functions pushed to the Hooks.Organization.afterCreate array would be executed (in the order they were pushed).

There are before hooks, which are executed before an action takes place, and after hooks, which are executed after an action has succeeded. before hooks will always be executed, but after hooks would only execute if the operation was successful.

A common use case for before hooks is to check whether the user requesting the action has permissions to perform the action; a common use case for after hooks is to notify users of the change.

You can throw an error (preferably a Meteor.Error) inside any of the hooks to stop downstream execution. For example, if a user does not have permission to perform an action, you can throw new Meteor.Error('permission-denied').

Permissions-specific hooks used during publications are grouped into the Permissions object.

To access hooks, you must import them:

import Organization, { Hooks, Permissions } from 'meteor/brewhk:accounts-organization';



  • organization Object - details about the organization being created, containers the following properties:
    • name String - Display name for the organization. Does not have to be unique.
    • description String - Description of the organization
  • caller String - User calling the create function



  • err Object | undefined - Error object or undefined if there are no errors
  • id String - ID of the organization in the Organization.Collections.Organization collection
  • organization Object - details about the organization being created, containers the following properties:
    • name String - Display name for the organization. Does not have to be unique.
    • description String - Description of the organization
  • caller String - User calling the function



  • id String - ID of the organization being updated
  • options Object - details about the changes to apply to the organization, may contain any (or none) of the following properties:
    • name String - Display name for the organization. Does not have to be unique.
    • description String - Description of the organization
  • caller String - User calling the update function



  • err Object | undefined - Error object or undefined if there are no errors
  • n Number - The number of organizations affected, should always be 1 if the operation was successful
  • id String - The ID of the organization we updated
  • updateObj Object - details about the changes to apply to the organization, may contain any (or none) of the following properties:
    • name String - Display name for the organization. Does not have to be unique.
    • description String - Description of the organization
  • caller String - User calling the update function



  • id String - ID of the organization being deleted
  • caller String - The ID of the user making the call, or null if it is from an anonymous user



  • err Object | undefined - Error object or undefined if there are no errors
  • n Number - The number of organizations affected, should always be 1 if the operation was successful
  • id String - The ID of the organization we deleted
  • caller String - User calling the update function



  • id String - ID of the organization we're adding members to
  • members [Object] - An array of user objects. The following properties are allowed:
    • userId String - _id of the user (required)
    • permissions [String] - An array of strings representing permissions. E.g. ["admin", "manager"]. Not required, and will later on default to an empty array ([])
  • caller String - The ID of the user making the call, or null if it is from an anonymous user


Called after each time a member is added to the organization


  • err Object | undefined - Error object or undefined if there are no errors
  • n Number - If the user was already a member of the organization, this would be 1, otherwise 0
  • id String - ID of the organization we're adding members to
  • member Object - The user object of the member we added. The following properties are guaranteed to be present:
    • userId String - _id of the user
    • permissions [String] - An array of strings representing permissions. E.g. ["admin", "manager"]
  • caller String - The ID of the user making the call, or null if it is from an anonymous user


Called after the Organization.addMembers function has finished running. It does not guarantee that the database operation to add members to the organization has completed; in fact, in most cases, those operations would occur after this hook.


  • id String - ID of the organization we're adding members to
  • membersWithPermissions [Object] - An array of user object. The following properties are guaranteed to be present in each object:
    • userId String - _id of the user
    • permissions [String] - An array of strings representing permissions. E.g. ["admin", "manager"]
  • caller String - The ID of the user making the call, or null if it is from an anonymous user



  • id String - ID of the organization to remove members from
  • members [String] - An array of user IDs
  • caller String - The ID of the user making the call, or null if it is from an anonymous user



  • err Object | undefined - Error object or undefined if there are no errors
  • n Number - Number of members removed
  • id String - ID of the organization to remove members from
  • members [String] - An array of user IDs that was removed
  • caller String - The ID of the user making the call, or null if it is from an anonymous user



  • id String - ID of the organization to change permissions for
  • members* Object - an object the defines the constraints of which members this will affect. Any empty object ({}) defaults to modifying all members of the organization. You can set constraints using the following the following properties:
    • only [String] - Only apply the permission changes to this array of user IDs
    • except [String] - Apply the permission changes to all members except this array of user IDs
  • permissions* Object - an object that specifies how the permissions will change. It should include one, and only one, of the following properties:
    • set [String] - Set the permission to the array
    • add [String] - Add the permissions to the existing array of permissions
    • remove [String] - Remove the following list of permissions from the existing array of permissions
  • caller String - The ID of the user making the call, or null if it is from an anonymous user



  • err Object | undefined - Error object or undefined if there are no errors
  • n Number - Number of members removed
  • id String - ID of the organization
  • members* Object - an object the defines the constraints of which members this will affect. Any empty object ({}) defaults to modifying all members of the organization. You can set constraints using the following the following properties:
    • only [String] - Only apply the permission changes to this array of user IDs
    • except [String] - Apply the permission changes to all members except this array of user IDs
  • permissions* Object - an object that specifies how the permissions will change. It should include one, and only one, of the following properties:
    • set [String] - Set the permission to the array
    • add [String] - Add the permissions to the existing array of permissions
    • remove [String] - Remove the following list of permissions from the existing array of permissions
  • caller String - The ID of the user making the call, or null if it is from an anonymous user



  • ids [String] - Array of IDs of the organization the user is trying to access
  • this.userId String - ID of the user making the subscription request



  • userId String - IDs of the user in question
  • this.userId String - ID of the user making the subscription request



  • organizationId String - IDs of the organization
  • this.userId String - ID of the user making the subscription request



  • organizationId String - IDs of the organization
  • this.userId String - ID of the user making the subscription request



  • userId String - IDs of the user in question
  • this.userId String - ID of the user making the subscription request


The following methods can be ran from both client- and server-side. To get the desired results on the client, you should ensure that you have subscribed to the relevant publications.

For example, to get a list of all organizations a member belongs to, you should do the following:

Meteor.subscribe('brewhk:accounts-organization/organizationsOfUser', <user-id>, () => {
  const organizations = Organization.getOrganizationsOfUser(<user-id>);

By default, published user objects would expose only the following fields:

  • createdAt
  • username


Query for organizations


* denotes a required field

  • options* Object - A Mongo selector object

Return Values

Returns a cursor of relevant organizations


Query for organizations by specifying an ID


* denotes a required field

  • id* String - ID of the organization

Return Values

Returns a cursor of the organization


Retrieve membership objects relating to organization


* denotes a required field

  • organizationId* String - ID of the organization

Return Values

Returns a cursor of the membership objects


Retrieve membership objects relating to an user


* denotes a required field

  • userId* String - ID of the user

Return Values

Returns a cursor of the membership objects


Retrieve user IDs of members of an organization


* denotes a required field

  • organizationId* String - ID of the organization

Return Values

Returns an array of unique user IDs


Retrieve user objects of members of an organization


* denotes a required field

  • organizationId* String - ID of the organization

Return Values

Returns a cursor of user objects from the Meteor.users collection


Retrieve a list of all permissions within an organization


* denotes a required field

  • organizationId* String - ID of the organization

Return Values

Returns an array of permission strings (e.g. ["admin", "manager"])


Retrieve a list of user objects who have the specified set of permission(s) within an organization


* denotes a required field

  • organizationId* String - ID of the organization
  • permissions [String] - An array of permission strings

Return Values

Returns a cursor of user objects from the Meteor.users collection


Checks if a user has a certain set of permission(s) within an organization


* denotes a required field

  • organizationId* String - ID of the organization
  • permissions [String] - An array of permission strings
  • userId String - User to check for

Return Values

Returns a Boolean of whether the user has all the permissions or not


Get the organizations that a user is a member of


* denotes a required field

  • userId String - User ID

Return Values

Returns a cursor of organization objects from the Organization.Collections.Organization collection


Contributions are always welcomed. Here's how you should go about it:

  • typo and other small bug fixes (fork this repository, make the changes, and create a pull request)
  • feature addition (email us and we'll add you as a collaborator, and we can work on the feature branch together)
  • come onboard as a co-maintainer (email us)

Running Tests

Every new feature must be accompanied by tests. We do not require 100% code coverage, but a higher-than-reasonable amount of tests is expected.

We have started writing client-side tests for this package. However, the Mocha, Chai and Sinon versions wrapped in practicalmeteor:mocha are very out-of-date; as such, we've had to include the mocha, chai and sinon packages directly, through NPM. Meteor, as far as we know, does not support having separate NPM packages for testing, and as such, we have to place these development dependencies on the top-level Npm.depends.

Obviously, we don't want these development dependencies being sent over to the client, so we've commented out the dependencies as well as the test block.

To test this package, simply uncomment those lines from package.js and run:

meteor test-packages ./ --driver-package practicalmeteor:mocha

Note that you should also open up the client console to look for errors, as the version of Mocha included in practicalmeteor:mocha does not catch errors related to promises properly.


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