Welcome! everything inside of the work
directory will be preserved, but files created outside this directory will be lost when the server resets. Enjoy using our environment and reach out to our discord for support https://discord.com/invite/qV6CsUjnZ2
run brev start on this repo to create a jupyterlab-environment
$ brev start https://github.com/brevdev/jupyterlab-environment
which has an output similar to
Name flag omitted, using auto generated name: jupyterlab-environment
Workspace is starting. This can take up to 2 minutes the first time.
name jupyterlab-environment
template 4nbb4lg2s ubuntu
resource class 2x8
workspace group brev-test-brevtenant-cluster
You can safely ctrl+c to exit
⣽ workspace is deploying
port forward your environment to localhost with
$ brev port-forward jupyterlab-environment -p 8888:8888
then navigate to to access your environment.
This page will sometimes take a while to load.
access the shell on your workspace with the brev shell
$ brev shell jupyterlab-environment
➜ jupyterlab-environment git:(main) ✗
then print the logs using docker logs
➜ docker logs jupyterlab
to follow log output add the -f
➜ docker logs -f jupyterlab