By default, the frontend communicates with the ec2 server.
If this needs to be changed, comment/uncomment the corresponding lines in .../group_01/frontend/pyarcade/
on line numbers 6 and 7 (and make sure to re-build).
Some changes to code on server:
$ .../group_01/
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it pyarcade_frontend python pyarcade/
docker-compose down
login: alice
pass: password
login: bob
pass: password
login: eve
pass: password
$ .../group_01/frontend/
coverage run test
coverage report -m
(pip install django
may be need)
$ .../group_01/backend/
python test pyarcade_backend
Andy - 25%
- War and Go Fish UI
- Added new UI test
- UI signup and connection
Brandon - 25%
- Refactored and integrated War
- Refactored War tests
Nam - 25%
- django, nginx setup
- Refactored Connect4 and corresponding tests
- Docker setup
Ryan - 25%
- Refactored and integrated Go Fish
- Refactored Go Fish tests
Andy - 25%
- Horseman UI
- UI signup/login
- Different game difficulty UI
Brandon - 25%
- User status backend code
- Games played backend code
- Game difficulties for mastermind
Nam - 25%
- JWT authentication for users
- Game model and tests for backend
- Reset statistics backend code
Ryan - 25%
- Horseman game logic
- Games won stats backend code
Andy - 25%
- Leaderboard UI
- Profile/Friends list UI
- Instructions UI
Brandon - 25%
- Setup EC2 server
- Sphinx Documentation
Nam - 25%
- Leaderboard backend code
- CI/CD pipeline
- Setup https for EC2 server
Ryan - 25%
- Setup EC2 Server
- Friendship model
- Adding and retrieving friends backend code