A small Python 3 script that takes viewers from the IEEE CREW 2020 Twitch stream every X minutes using its API which returns a JSON, and then matches them with the registered users to count its total watching time.
First with the script getJSON.py every X minutes during conference time (in the real scenario we decided to count them every 5 minutes) we pull the total viewers using the following URL from the API:
URL-> https://tmi.twitch.tv/group/user/ieeeramaestudiantil_itm/chatters
This script will store every *.JSON file with the viewers deppending on the day and conference.
Then we fed the script superCounter.py with all the registered student's control number and for every saved file stored, on each occurence of the control number we add 5 minutes.
Finally we save the control number, total minutes and total hours (simply minutes/60) in a .CSV file.
Special thanks to IEEE CS, RAS, EMBS and WIE student chapters from Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia and to all our audience for participating in this wonderful event. I hope that this script can be useful in future projects. Fell free to use it, modify it, update it or do wathever you want with it I really don't care haha 😆
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- IEEE Tecnológico de Morelia Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: https://www.facebook.com/EMBS-ITMorelia-1966794666946999
- IEEE Tecnológico de Morelia Women in Engineering: https://www.facebook.com/wieitm
By: Oraclox (Brandon Ceja)