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0.4: Assets management (CSS/JS/Images)

No due date 0% complete

Content-level Assets (Images) should be regrouped in a dedicated directory at root level (aside to txt/, tpl/ and www/).
Template-level Assets (Images/CSS/JS) should be regrouped directly in the template folder.

They should be cherry-picked during hydration thanks to special mechanism available inside the content (a theme-helper) or inside the template (a…

Content-level Assets (Images) should be regrouped in a dedicated directory at root level (aside to txt/, tpl/ and www/).
Template-level Assets (Images/CSS/JS) should be regrouped directly in the template folder.

They should be cherry-picked during hydration thanks to special mechanism available inside the content (a theme-helper) or inside the template (a template-helper).

Assets should provide processors :

  • minifying solution for JS
  • Less/Sass/Haml processing for CSS, and minifying

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