My TypeScript implementation of an interpreter for the Lox programming language, based on the fantastic book Crafting Interpreters. I have tried to stick closely to the original code, i.e., to implement the Java code in TypeScript, including classes, visitor pattern, and so on.
To get started, clone the repository:
git clone
cd ts-lox
Then, install dependencies and build the project:
npm run build:fresh // Installs dependencies and builds the project
Finally, start the REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop):
npm run start // Starts the REPL
or pass a .lox file as an argument
npm run start <filename>.lox
>> fun fib(n) {
if (n < 2) return n;
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
>> fib(30);
The following command executes all Jest test suites. At the moment, there are not so many tests; the ones included are mostly code snippets from the book. I will expand this.
npm run test
The following command executes the benchmark test contained in the book, the recursive Fibonacci function from above with the input of 40... ugh, it takes long, like really, really long... like not even comparable to the Java implementation in the book. Making this implementation more efficient is also a future task.
npm run benchmark
- 01/04/2024 Still slow as hell, but switching from forEach to for loops resulted in a ~25% performance improvement in the benchmark test.