Logs in memory, spatially and temporally, key value events.
These events, generated by multiple processes, are then flushed to disk for analysis (e.g. to detect locks).
Add jop
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:jop, "~> 0.1"}
iex> "myjop"
...> |> Jop.init()
...> |> Jop.log("key_1", :any_term_112)
...> |> Jop.log("key_2", :any_term_133)
...> |> Jop.flush()
log stored in jop_myjop.2020_05_12_21.42.49_dates.gz
log stored in jop_myjop.2020_05_12_21.42.49_keys.gz
Excerpt from a run of the unit test :
througput 1267456 logs/s.
# prepare for logging and return a handle
myjop = Jop.init("myjop")
# log with handle event "key_1", :any_term_112
Jop.log myjop, "key_1", :any_term_112
Process.sleep 12
# clear logs
Jop.clear myjop
Jop.log myjop, "key_2", :any_term_113
Process.sleep 12
Jop.log myjop, "key_1", :any_term_112
Process.sleep 12
Jop.log myjop, "key_2", :any_term_113
# flush to disk and erase the log
Jop.flush myjop
log stored in jop_myjop.2020_05_12_21.42.49_dates.gz
log stored in jop_myjop.2020_05_12_21.42.49_keys.gz
will generate both a temporal (by date) and a spatial (by key) log files:
# list all operations by date
zcat jop_myjop.2020_05_12_21.42.49_dates.gz
00:00:00_000.482 "key_2": :any_term_113
00:00:00_014.674 "key_1": :any_term_112
00:00:00_028.568 "key_2": :any_term_113
# list all operations by key :
zcat jop_myjop.2020_05_12_21.42.49_keys.gz
"key_1": 00:00:00_014.674 :any_term_112
"key_2": 00:00:00_000.482 :any_term_113
"key_2": 00:00:00_028.568 :any_term_113
Processes log in myjop as follow:
# Handle can be saved in process state
myjop = Jop.ref("myjop")
# Log if logging is activated
Jop.log myjop, "key_1", :any_term_112
Console activate / deactivate the logging:
# Activate the logging
# Starts the logging
myjop = Jop.init("myjop")
# Do some queries while the logging is on
inspect myjop # see how many records
Enum.count mylog
Enum.member? mylog, "mykey"
# Flush the logs on disk, keep on logging
Jop.flush myjop, :nostop
# Clear the logs, keep on logging
Jop.clear myjop # clear all entries and continue logging
# Flush the logs on disk and deactivate the logging
Jop.flush myjop
# Start logging again