- Thallus API returns seed sowing and gardening information used by the Gibber app. The database holds information for gardening in zone 8 and is intended to be used by gardeners in Portland, Oregon.
- Built with Node.js, Express, and Mongooose.
Thallus API is deployed at https://thallus-api.herokuapp.com/api/crops.
- GET all crops: https://thallus-api.herokuapp.com/api/crops
- GET crop by id: https://thallus-api.herokuapp.com/api/crops/:id
- Return all crops with common name: https://thallus-api.herokuapp.com/api/crops?common_name=pepper
- Return all crops with scientific name: https://thallus-api.herokuapp.com/api/crops?scientific_name=capsicum
- Other CRUD functionality is unavailable to public, but can be found in the models directory in this repository.