This app allows users to mark specific locations where any food or leftovers can be delivered for those in need. It is a map based application that has several functionalities:
Adding markers - click the marker floating action button and long click on the map to add a new marker
Delivering to markers - click on the marker and the window that pops up with the title and description. A new dialog box will appear that prompts wether you have delviered food to this marker or not. Upon delivery the marker disappears but can be added back by anyone else.
Shake option - goto settings and turn on the shake feature! shake your phone and it will automatically direct you to the nearest marker available for those in need of food
Search function - ability to search for locations and be directed to these locations on the map.
Radius filter - filters the markers that show up on the map by radius
Time filter - filters the markers so that only the markers that were placed within the last specified time show up on the map.
Online Markers - markers are saved to a database which is visible by all using the app. Anyone can deliver food to any location!
- As a user with leftover food, I want to be able to find places to donate my food, so that I don’t waste food As someone who spots someone in need of food and wants to add the location to the map and alert food donating users around
- A user who has donated food and wants to mark that the food has been delivered to the person on the map and that the location can now be taken off
- As a user who has leftover food, I want to be able to quickly find the closest place to donate my food, so my food doesn’t go to waste. A user who is in need of food may mark or remove themselves from the map
What are the 3-4 pieces of functionality (one per group member) that your app will support? That is: how will this app be of an appropriate size for the project? Listing user stories can help with this, but make sure there are clear demarcations between them.
Map functionality that allows users to identify, add or remove location markers that show where the closest location for food to be delivered A “shake” functionality while using the app that allows mobile users to shake their phone so that it quickly finds the closest location where food can be delivered. Settings for filtering based on time and turning the shake functionality off or on. Searching and filtering the map based on address. Filtering the results based on the settings with location radius and time marked.
Why is this project a mobile app rather than a desktop app or website? What makes it specific to a mobile context? What mobile sensor or capability will you be harnessing to support that?
This project works well as mainly a mobile app because it requires the user's certain location and quick access to locations for donating food. It is possible for this to be a web app. However, a user walking around with leftover food would be more likely to check their phone for the quickest drop off location. We will also be making use of the mobile accelerometer sensor to support finding the quickest drop off location.