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Use this repository to implement Bold Booster for PayPal on Magento 1 (M1).


  1. Download the repository contents (click the Code drop-down menu and select Download ZIP).
  2. Unzip the downloaded directory.
  3. Copy contents of the repository to app/code/community/Bold/CheckoutPaymentBooster
  4. Run cp app/code/community/Bold/CheckoutPaymentBooster/etc/modules/Bold_CheckoutPaymentBooster.xml app/etc/modules/
  5. Run cp -r app/code/community/Bold/CheckoutPaymentBooster/design/* app/design/
  6. Run cp -r ./app/code/community/Bold/CheckoutPaymentBooster/skin/* ./skin/
  7. If you're using OpenMage, run composer config use-include-path true
  8. Clean your cache.

To continue setting up Bold Booster for PayPal, continue following the steps Bold's developer documentation.



If you have any issues with your onboarding, please submit a support ticket. Or, if you have a Bold representative working with you, add them as a support user on your store and contact them for further help.