An embedded HTTP server in idiomatic C++
A C++ wrapper for libmicrohttpd
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <luna/server.h>
using namespace luna;
int main(void)
server server{server::mime_type{"text/json"}, server::port{8443}}
server.handle_request(request_method::GET, "/ohyeah", [](auto request) -> response
return {"{\"koolade\": true}"};
server.handle_request(request_method::GET, "^/documents/(i[0-9a-f]{6})", [](auto request) -> response
auto document_id = request.matches[1];
return {"text/html", "<h1>Serving up document "+document_id+"</h1>"};
while (server); //idle while the server is running. Maybe not the best way? //TODO how to signal to server to die
- Fix the way POSTDATA is handled so that we have a default handler, and a more sophisticated handler. Not super happy with the current flow.
- docs docs docs