The GridTools framework is a set of libraries and utilities to develop performance portable applications in the area of weather and climate. To achieve the goal of performance portability, the user-code is written in a generic form which is then optimized for a given architecture at compile-time. The core of GridTools is the stencil composition module which implements a DSL embedded in C++ for stencils and stencil-like patterns. Further, GridTools provides modules for halo exchanges, boundary conditions, data management and bindings to C and Fortran.
GridTools is successfully used to accelerate the dynamical core of the COSMO model with improved performance on CUDA-GPUs compared to the current official version, demonstrating production quality and feature-completeness of the library for models on lat-lon grids.
Although GridTools was developed for weather and climate applications it might be applicable for other domains with a focus on stencil-like computations.
A detailed introduction can be found in the documentation.
git clone
cd gridtools
mkdir -p build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j8
make test
- Boost (1.65.1 or later)
- CMake (3.14.5 or later)
- CUDA Toolkit (9.0 or later, optional)
The GridTools libraries are currently nightly tested with the following compilers on CSCS supercomputers.
Compiler | Backend | Tested on |
NVCC 9.2 with GNU 5.3 | cuda | Piz Daint |
NVCC 9.2 with Clang 3.8.1 | cuda | Piz Daint |
GNU 7.3.0 | x86, mc | Piz Daint |
Clang 7.0.1 | x86, mc | Piz Daint |
- Intel is able to compile GridTools code, but depending on user code, might have severe performance problems compared to GNU- or Clang-compiled code.
Compiler | Backend | Date | Comments |
NVCC <= 8.0 | cuda | 2019-05-20 | removed workarounds in GT 1.1 |
NVCC <= 9.1 with GNU 6.x | cuda | 2018-10-16 | similar to this tuple bug |
PGI 18.5 | x86 | 2018-12-06 | no effort to fix compilation |
Cray 8.7.3 | x86 | 2018-12-06 | no effort to fix compilation |
Contributions to the GridTools framework are welcome. Please open an issue for any bugs that you encounter or provide a fix or enhancement as a PR. External contributions to GridTools require us a signed copy of a copyright release form to ETH Zurich. We will contact you on the PR.